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Lady football



  • Where to start. I've not watched any of this but was called inside the guy to watch the penalties. Was a good atmosphere and everyone still left in pub was cheering on the women. Ok so we were pissed.

    But who are you Wankers to complain about what our licence fee is spent on when we have so much shit on our telly. If you can tell me how much it cost and I'm shocked then fair enough. But if not... do sod off.

    Bite? Munch Munch.
  • Yes, much better than John Barrowman on the other side.
  • Curb_it : It cost 150 million.

  • I thought they played much better than I remember women's football from the days of watching CAFC . However, why were they beaten on fitness? Why? They were French!

    Hope Powell needs to reconsider her substitutions and timing. The miss by the captain reminded me of John Terry's miss - captain feels like they should take a go but can't hack it.

  • Ok off it... I'm a little piddled but not that much to believe that. Bull shitter. X
  • I didn't say pounds, did I? You can bet your life it was 150 million summink. 
  • Not necessarily. That'd depend on the relevant exchange rates

    wanders off, singing "If Off_it can be a smartarse so can I..."
  • Was in the same class as raffertys sister, needless to say they're gutted
  • Sidefoot into the corner, should be reasonably simple at that level as the keepers can't cover it
  • My daughter plays college football here in the states and I coached her from 7 years old. Yes its not the same as the mens game but I loved coaching the girls and they gave 100% every game.  So I can't fault the England girls effort. They also earn in a year what the average EPL player probably makes in a week and are probably better role models. Watch the USA v Brazil game tomorrow and then tell me what you think. Marta (Brazil) would walk into the current Charlton team especially with some of the shite we have nowadays.   
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  • i just caught the penalties and thought , they were half decent and cleanly struck and they could all strike a ball more accurately and successful than the since departed kakpo and semedo 
  • Anyway children , it was fun but i was actually proud of my cousin tonight.
    Well done Scabbyhorse for voicing your opinion and well done to your cousin.

    Its a shame you may have missed one of the CL rules
    Never have a different opinion to the  Off-it/Leroy tag team. Especially after lunchtime on a Saturday.
    Oh, and if you do expect withering come-backs/persoanl abuse and accusations that you have a problem.
    It's probably best to leave them to say how awful something they are watching and writing about/starting threads on, is.
  • Nice one Floyd. Glad you understand the rules.
  • some proper biters on this thread. good to read.

  • edited July 2011
    Anyway children , it was fun but i was actually proud of my cousin tonight.
    Well done Scabbyhorse for voicing your opinion and well done to your cousin.

    Its a shame you may have missed one of the CL rules
    Never have a different opinion to the  Off-it/Leroy tag team. Especially after lunchtime on a Saturday.
    Oh, and if you do expect withering come-backs/persoanl abuse and accusations that you have a problem.
    It's probably best to leave them to say how awful something they are watching and writing about/starting threads on, is.
    This is why i will not be posting on here in future and this will be my last post , will still be a avid reader of course as i find the majority of threads a good read and its a good place to catch up on the latest news from CAFC. Adios amigos COYR.
  • Was it just me or does the English keeper dive in a very strange way?  She seems to dive, then once in mid flight extend her arms.
  • Scabby no need to be like that mate.  Not all posts on all threads are 100% serious and i think there was a large tongue in cheek element as i said before in the comments that you have issue with and a wind up.

    Im sure if we knew your cousin was playing they wouldnt have been posted.

  • Well I was screaming at the telly when the penalties were on. unlucky ladies. 

    Is BBC on late saturday afternoon prime-time? Plenty of other things on to watch. 

    That poor England forward who was injured but ran her bollox off for the last 15 mins and then firing the first penalty. there was no stopping that. More powerful than CAFC pens from last season.  Women's football is not something I'd watch every week, but always try to watch the FA Cup Women's final. 

    I'd love to get a girls 5 a side football team/league together at one of the goals/power league places. I think it'd be great fun - never played football properly before, just in the garden with my dad when i was little but would love to do it and i found the women yesterday inspirational. 
  • Have to say, caught a bit of a match last week and thought the quality was much better than I've seen in the past. Didn't see the final, but see no reason to disparage the game.
  • Nice one Floyd. Glad you understand the rules.
    Understand em?
    I wrote em!
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  • Suzi wrote
    That poor England forward who was injured but ran her bollox off for the last 15 mins

    Is that how she became eligible for the ladies team?
    Tough entry policy!
  • Some women clearly have more bollox than men ;-)
  • Russian lady weightlifters, maybe?
  • edited July 2011
    Offy half likes a thread that causes such trouble....

  • My daughter plays college football here in the states and I coached her from 7 years old. Yes its not the same as the mens game but I loved coaching the girls and they gave 100% every game.  So I can't fault the England girls effort.
    Aah, you see? this is where you're going wrong. If you ever watch an interview with a footballer, you'll find that they actually put in 110%, everyone knows that. ;-)
  • Offy half likes a thread that causes such trouble....

    Did Rodney tell you off and put you back in your box or something?
  • I didnt waste my time watching a croc of shite like that.Shows that that is all the BBC can afford.My daughter who is now 20 played a "decent" level of bird football with Pompey.She was going to show me how to play ,I am no footballer but as an over 40 with a re constructed knee I comfortably dealt with her so much so she stomped off in a huff.
  • I didnt waste my time watching a croc of shite like that.Shows that that is all the BBC can afford.My daughter who is now 20 played a "decent" level of bird football with Pompey.She was going to show me how to play ,I am no footballer but as an over 40 with a re constructed knee I comfortably dealt with her so much so she stomped off in a huff.
    Lesson 354. How to inspire your child. lol
  • I don't understand why women are playing football anyway. What's next? Monkeys playing tennis?
  • Sorry Tango I was very diplomatic about it lol

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