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Racism-where's the borders?

After the banter with a sheff wed fan on the semedo thread, i got to thinking, where do we draw the line regarding racism?  Is it purely down to colour of your skin or is it a geography thing?

It seems that it's okay to take the piss out of the french, italians and especially eastern europeans. If it's okay as these are prodominately "white" countries then surely that statement in itself is discriminatory?

If however, you think it's more due to borders, then where do they end? is it national borders, county, town, street or even house?


  • edited July 2011
    Surely it depends on who your audience is?

    Theres plenty of 'racist' of things I'd say to friends, in jest, with them knowing it is exactly that. Wouldnt dream of saying it to a stranger though.

    Also don't see how you can be racist against a novernah. as weird as they may be, they are part of the same race, surely.
  • The borders are the SE postcode.
  • The borders are the SE postcode.
    Bollox are they - Bermondsey's got an SE postcode.
  • The borders are the SE postcode.
    Bollox are they - Bermondsey's got an SE postcode.
    That's a fair shout, but the people there aren't human so I wouldn't worry.
  • Also don't see how you can be racist against a novernah. as weird as they may be, they are part of the same race, surely.
    are Africans and asians not then?
  • Also don't see how you can be racist against a novernah. as weird as they may be, they are part of the same race, surely.
    are Africans and asians not then?
    But surely when I call someone a norvern pikey scumbag, the fact they are african or asian is irrelevent?
  • dont give this thread long to be honest

  • Also don't see how you can be racist against a novernah. as weird as they may be, they are part of the same race, surely.
    I think most southerners would disagree with that...
  • Well, this is my point. Just wondering where people draw the line on these issues. To call someone for say leeds, a northern monkey you might feel is okay. But would you call him that if he is black?
  • dont give this thread long to be honest
    Feel free not to participate, only chewing the cud til the season starts.................
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  • I think what NLA was hinting at is that this thread will be pulled by admin.

    I could be wrong, but I think the line may already have been crossed.
  • An attempt at a serious answer:

    In my opinion racism is like bullying and it comes down to the perception of the "victim." One persons "good natured horseplay" is another's bullying just as "friendly banter" towards one of another race could be construed as racism.

    Having said that you get (invariably white liberal) "policemen" trying to brand any comment against those from overseas or use of the "wrong" terminology as racist and to me that is not racism that is people seeking to close down debate to satisfy their own agendas.

    As a boy I was privileged to meet a man called Conrad Hunte who was a distinguished opening batsman for the West Indies and did much to try and help racial integration throughout the world. He wrote an autobiography called "Playing To Win" in which he refers to "white" and "coloured" people.

    There are those in modern society that would condemn him as racist just because of the politically incorrect terminology used yet this man was universally respected for his work.

  • Well, this is my point. Just wondering where people draw the line on these issues. To call someone for say leeds, a northern monkey you might feel is okay. But would you call him that if he is black?

    No, I think that would be a little stupid.
  • Difficult one, the borders are when it offends.
  • Pretty much everything is racist in today's society. Ppl are obsessed with being seen to be doing something so they shout racist at any opportunity. Its all just about going through the
    motions. I know I'm not racist but in the eyes of society I am, but I don't change because of that, I just get on with it. So many examples but the one that's amazed me since I was a kid is the 'paki' thing. Call an Indian a paki and you're a horrible racist, yet call a Pakistani an Indian and it's fine.
  • i
    Pretty much everything is racist in today's society. Ppl are obsessed with being seen to be doing something so they shout racist at any opportunity. Its all just about going through the
    motions. I know I'm not racist but in the eyes of society I am, but I don't change because of that, I just get on with it. So many examples but the one that's amazed me since I was a kid is the 'paki' thing. Call an Indian a paki and you're a horrible racist, yet call a Pakistani an Indian and it's fine.
    i know i'm not racist, but....
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