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£161M Euromillion winners



  • Not strangers to deep-fried Mars Bars by the look of things.  Still all that dosh should provide for a heart transplant or three.
  • i would go public. imagine the knob would fall off in a week.
    but who wants £160 million and no cock? .. mmmm .. on second thoughts though .. tricky choice
  • edited July 2011
    i would go public. imagine the knob would fall off in a week.
    but who wants £160 million and no cock? .. mmmm .. on second thoughts though .. tricky choice
    With that much money you could buy yourself a bigger one.
  • You'd struggle to find a bigger wife that the one he has already Aliwibble
  • Really let's just get stuck i'n and abuse them I mean who would carry weight!!
  • You'd struggle to find a bigger wife that the one he has already Aliwibble
    I seriously doubt that PL54
  • I won't comment on their size as i've not looked at a picture (not that bothered). That is a seriously large amount of money. Not trying to come across as a saint (as i'm far from it) but I can honestly say that at least £100m would end up being donated to charities, leaving £60m for me & my family..............more than enough to make me happy. Good luck to them.
  • I won't comment on their size as i've not looked at a picture (not that bothered). That is a seriously large amount of money. Not trying to come across as a saint (as i'm far from it) but I can honestly say that at least £100m would end up being donated to charities, leaving £60m for me & my family..............more than enough to make me happy. Good luck to them.
    Better man than me... id spunk 70 million away in the first year
  • "Colin and Chris Weir from Largs in North Ayrshire"

    I read that as Large in North Ayrshire. Now i'm not just 161m poorer than these people. im more retarded 

  • edited July 2011
    funny they won the rollover considering rolling over is something they'd have trouble with.

    Maybe they'll have a party and book a couple of bands...........................gastric ones
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  • Good on them, seem like a nice genuine couple...and if it wasn't going to be me or any of my family/friends then I am glad it was someone decent.
  • Good on them, seem like a nice genuine couple...and if it wasn't going to be me or any of my family/friends then I am glad it was someone decent.
  • But I did see on BBC text news that she celebrated "with a glass of white wine" which was unusual because she normally only drinks one at Xmas.


    WHAT A WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Let someone have it who really knows how to enjoy themself!

  • I sense quite a lot of jealousy! They seem like a normal couple who have worked hard their whole lives so good for them. The only thing I will say is that I think they have been a bit naive in going public.
  • I think that it is inevitable that it will get out - don't forget the press will be offering a reward and a "friend" or "relative" will find out.  Better they control it than it just leaks out and the press descend on them without them being prepared.
  • Harold Bishop not even gonna change his car! What a waste!
  • I think that it is inevitable that it will get out - don't forget the press will be offering a reward and a "friend" or "relative" will find out.  Better they control it than it just leaks out and the press descend on them without them being prepared.
    I agree it is inevitable. However by going public they have given themselves no time to prepare for the 'deluge'. Personally i would have chosen anonymity and used the time I had available to sort our a hideaway and to get my affairs in order etc.
  • The trouble is , you'd then be wondering which of your friends and relatives ratted you out, which'd be unpleasant.
  • Good on them, seem like a nice genuine couple...and if it wasn't going to be me or any of my family/friends then I am glad it was someone decent.
    You think they're decent but wait until the News of the World dig up some scandle on, wait. Seems they're safe.
  • Well done to them, although its now been announced they are worth more than Scotland
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  • The trouble is , you'd then be wondering which of your friends and relatives ratted you out, which'd be unpleasant.
    I'd love to have the dilemma! I know who my friends are and their weaknesses. Of course it would get out eventually. I'm talking about buying a few weeks. I wouldn't tell anyone other than my wife initially. I've probably thought about this a bit to much for it to be healthy!

    Plan of action for (big) lottery winners.

    1, Only tell those who need to know.
    2, Buy a secluded and secure home.
    3, Get a good pr person.
    4, Get a good lawyer.
    5, Tell family and friends and give them some money. Set up trust funds.
    6, Set up charitable foundation for good causes.

    What would other people do?
  • I actually only want 90k, 30 for loft coversion, 30 for brand new ford galaxy 10 for new driveway and drop curb and 20 for all 6 of us to go Disney World.  

    If I won more than that I would buy my dad and nan a bungalow kitted out, maybe something for my mum, and invest enough for my children to never have to worry about money. Charities like GOSH can have the rest.
  • Can at least buy a neck each
    To be fair, that's the funniest thing I've read on here in ages!
  • I actually only want 90k, 30 for loft coversion, 30 for brand new ford galaxy 10 for new driveway and drop curb and 20 for all 6 of us to go Disney World.  

    If I won more than that I would buy my dad and nan a bungalow kitted out, maybe something for my mum, and invest enough for my children to never have to worry about money. Charities like GOSH can have the rest.

    Buy a nearly new Galaxy and give me the 10 k you are rich enough to throw away SadieJane...
  • The Sun have a ridiculous story on the front page today about the most recent winners
  • What I would do with the money:

    Buy charlton (no more mystery backers)

    Would NOT do a Cardiff and change kit to fanny pink with lime green stripes

    Give 40 million to SCP to buy players

    Spend money on some bloke to kidnap mr Jordan

    And spare about 15 mill for myself

  • JT said:

    The Sun have a ridiculous story on the front page today about the most recent winners

    Saw that on the news this morning and was annoyed that not only had The Sun stooped to a level of stupidity that even it seldom reaches but some knobhead TV news editor had picked up on it and wasted airtime on it - as if the newsagent sits there with a pack of pre-printed lottery tickets that he sells in order like it's a raffle at a school fete or something. 'Apparently the unlucky guy let the eventual winner go in front of him'. You're joking? He was so close, he definitely would have won had that not happened. Oh no, that's right, it doesn't work like that.

    Though with the amount of airtime they waste reading inane text messages from nobodies, I shouldn't really be surprised - this morning during their story on midwife staffing levels in the NHS they interrupted one of the 'experts' to read a text from some woman explaining that her labour and childbirth went without a hitch.

    Stop press, we've got our scoop: 'Woman Gives Birth Without Incident'

    I was on tenterhooks, waiting for the next revelation from the public! What next; a mother who had to wait 45 minutes for the midwife to arrive? Someone who thinks that midwives could learn a thing or two from the Olympics? The obligatory guy who thinks that it's indicative of broken Britain (he doesn't know what is indicative of broken Britain, he doesn't really care, he just likes saying it - and probably capitalises the 'B' in 'Broken' like 'Broken Britain' is actually a thing).

  • JT said:

    The Sun have a ridiculous story on the front page today about the most recent winners

    The Sun in ridiculous front page story shock!!!
  • Dunno about that @PassItToLeaburn, but I'm broke in Britain at the moment.
  • edited August 2012
    You think you've got it bad @Saga_Lout, that guy who let the lottery winner go in front of him would have been £148m richer if he hadn't done that.
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