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Alexis Honoreto

Hattrick bod from Saturdaay



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    Honorato, surely?
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    Google throws up nothing. Not even a Wiki page....
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    Not even carrots? That is unusual.
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    another one for the development squad? decent footballing stock. Must be Vetere working his magic
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    Well if scoring a hat trick doesn't make people stand up and take notice- there isn't much point in being a trailist.


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    Didnt Chris Dickson score a Hattrick on trial for us?
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    Maybe we shouldn't bother with tialists then as if they do well, we say - well so and so did well too and they ended up rubbish!!!! If we do bother - surely we have to take notice if they deliver the goods.
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    Chris Dickson is the finest triallist and reserve team footballer ever -

    Shame he was pony as soon as he got to play in front of more than 50 people.

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    It was for the Youf though, take that into account
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    Chris Dickson is the finest triallist and reserve team footballer ever -

    Shame he was pony as soon as he got to play in front of more than 50 people.

    Wonder where he is now?
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    chris dickson's plying his trade in cyprus.
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    I scored all 5 in another top showing in a dads v kids primary school leavers match yesterday in very difficult conditions. We won 5-4 and if there were any scouts there it can only be a matter of time before i get the call - might explain why the hat trick has gone unnoticed.
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    'And it was only a matter of minutes before one of the unfamiliar faces made an impact on the game, as Honoreto, training with the club whilst in the country, doubled the young Addicks' advantage.'

    Noticed that on the o/s. cant see us signing this guy.
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    We had Bover, Pope and Pritchard on trial and signed all of them.

    Test will be if he can have a similar impact in an adult team.
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    'And it was only a matter of minutes before one of the unfamiliar faces made an impact on the game, as Honoreto, training with the club whilst in the country, doubled the young Addicks' advantage.'

    Noticed that on the o/s. cant see us signing this guy.
    Sounds like a cosy arrangement. I'm going to Valencia next month, might pop down the Mestalla and and do some training with the lads "while I'm in the country".
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    Youth game or not, his first touch and confidence on the ball stood out at the weekend. I too hope he gets a kickabout with the seniors, even if it's just the Bromley or Carshalton games.
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    in the picture on OS that kid scoring isnt him is it??!!
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    You mean the one where he's scoring against the referee?
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    the main picture a tall lads finishing from an angle with keeper diving at his feet!!
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    Well, my joke fell flat. I'll leave you to get on with it then.
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    The only jokes allowed on Charlton Life are dreadful puns. And Henry Irving... ;)
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    sorry powell is pleasent the keeper in all black colours! yes thats it ;-)
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    report says he was wearing lilac boots (sigh) so can't be that one
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    I'm pretty sure the person scoring in the picture is Joe Pigott so Alexis could be the player in the link. 
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    Hat tricks can often be two prods over the line and a penalty, but not this time. Alexis looked comfortable on the ball, and made some good forward runs, three of which were well picked out, and he finished them cooly in style. We all know that finding consistently expert finishers is like striking gold, and of course 45 minutes in a youth game can only tell you so much, but he certainly looks worth a bit of attention. Perhaps we are beginning to benefit from the work of Jeff Vetere. Add to this the promise being shown by Ruben Bover, and certainly a number of lads on show Saturday, and we seem to be going in the right direction. It was definitely good to see someone with the stature of Paul Hart on the line, and I left the training ground feeling very positive about the future.
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    We demand to know his height!
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    Lilac boots and a mohawk. You couldn't miss him if you tried.
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    thank god he's over 180cm tall, and can do 30m sprint in under 4 seconds

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