Is it just me, or are all the players' clubs f***ed up after you submit your team? Went back in to change some selections and found that Nasri had signed for Newcastle, Swansea had found the cash to acquire Clichy, Zabaleta and Given, and Ashley Young had inexplicably moved to West Brom...
Is it just me, or are all the players' clubs f***ed up after you submit your team? Went back in to change some selections and found that Nasri had signed for Newcastle, Swansea had found the cash to acquire Clichy, Zabaleta and Given, and Ashley Young had inexplicably moved to West Brom...
i don't mind doing leftbehind's league, i had already made the league before i saw lb's post. if lb activates the league i'll join that and get rid of mine.
Nope - still exactly the same for me - logged in from three different machines at three locations, my team still has all it's selections correct, but the teams they play for are all wrong. Weirdness!
I normally do this will activate ours tonight and put the code up
That's the code to the league i just made.
That's the players next fixture mate haha
I'll join if someone gets a league going on here!
will be doing updates weekly on the going's on on here too.
if lb activates the league i'll join that and get rid of mine.
FFS, whose league will we be using?
Typical Charlton.
This is (insert scapegoat's) fault.
League is reactivated 15 already in
Code to join this league: 61770-23334