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Great Films that not many people have seen



  • oh yes the Host is also superb!

    the director has written a book called the Antartic Journal. it is excellent
  • I thought the host was albeit twilight vampire teen thing?
  • no mate, same name WAY different! :) its a korean film often played on film 4 series. korean monster movie, properly scary in a strange kinda way but overall just a well made, well acted way to spend a couple of hours in front of the googlebox.

    other great korean films ive seen include Old Boy and Sympathy for Mr Vengance

    any martial arts fans? Ong Bak - thai film starting Tony Ja. great physical skill means you only need a few camera tricks to create some of the best onscreen sparring of all time.
  • Das Experiment. excellent German film about an experiment on a group of 30 men, put them in a prison and make half guards and half prisoners.

    lord of the flies inspired and really well done.

    I think it's actually inspired by Philip Zimbrado's Stanford Prison Experiment. I think the first 3/4 of the film are brilliant, but it just gets too ridiculously ott at the end.
  • Couple of films... Watched "Earthbound" I think its on Sky Movies (I watched it off my Xbox) - Sci-Fi film where a comic book geek thinks he's an alien in Dublin which isnt bad.

    Save Your Legs I saw on the way to NZ is about an amateur Australian Cricket Team who tour a few amateur clubs in India (really funny film)

    Mongol which is a Chinese film (English subs) about the rise of Genghis Khan
  • Stig said:

    Das Experiment. excellent German film about an experiment on a group of 30 men, put them in a prison and make half guards and half prisoners.

    lord of the flies inspired and really well done.

    I think it's actually inspired by Philip Zimbrado's Stanford Prison Experiment. I think the first 3/4 of the film are brilliant, but it just gets too ridiculously ott at the end.
    Thanks stig i will look that up. I did see some of golding's observations on human nature loudly represented in the themes in that film. I guess the most direct portrayal is the excellent Battle Royale
  • I hated The Host . B movie nonsense .

    I recommend Mary & Max .
  • The Host is a B-movie, but it's a bloody fun one.

    Everything that director (Joon Ho Bong) does is intriguing, and usually vastly different. Like the aforementioned Memories Of Murder, a really good true story, a murder mystery that shone a light on the pathetic attempts of the Korean authorities to deal with crimes in the 80s. The guy's a great storyteller, and The Host being a B-Movie doesn't detract from that.

  • Not sure of I mentioned this one before but iron sky. Very small budget but about nazis that moved to the moon. Quite funny and good story!
  • Iron Sky - you didnt but i have seen it and i thought it was excellent.

    dont need big budgets to make good cinema. take Cloud Atlas for example. given all the budget on earth and the director disappeared up his own bottom by forgetting you tend to need a good script as a basis.

    i really liked a film called Moon by Duncan Jones (formerly Zowie Bowie). class script, well acted, for sure i was crying at the end! nawti.

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  • Watched The East last night - a great film. PI infiltrates an anarchist group - Ellen Page is brilliant in it, as is Patricia Clarkson (who's brilliant in pretty much everything)
  • I thought Iron Sky was hilarious. But when they got to the space battle lost me. And nobody else I saw it with liked it either!

    Moon is brilliant, but it's not a hidden gem. Reading back through the early pages on this thread is still funny. The Color Purple hahaha Who ever heard of this film the Color Purple!?
  • mmm yes i thought that as well. but whats a hidden gem? ok moon was fairly popular but by no means a big release accompanied a load of PR. i note he followed up with a film called Source Code - anyone seen it? any good?

  • The Baader Meinhof Complex was pretty decent. Lost its way a bit towards the end though. Also saw Man on Wire recently, a documentary about a guy who tightrope walked between the Twin Towers
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