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Player Marks Charlton 2-2 Scunthorpe



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    Elliot 7 Played well , think he will be a Geordie by the end of the window
    Solly 6 Targetted again , plays better with Waggy
    Morrison 6 Ok but we need pace at CB
    Taylor 6.5 Commanding
    Wiggins 7 Shows pace and good assist for the first goal
    Wagstaff 6.5 We missed his all round game when he went off
    Stephens 6.5 Not as impressive today , had his moments but I didn't like his time wasting corner routine
    Hollands 7.5 Good assist for second goal , like him a lot
    Jackson 8.5 Much of Jacko's good work goes unnoticed by some but I think he was effective in both boxes due to his height. Good captain.Links well with Hollands and Wiggins.
    Hayes 5.5 Been very impressed until today.Hopefully just an off day
    BWP 7.5 Looked potent and scored

    Green n/a Superb crossing ability ,but we lost something defensively when Waggy went off . A real dilemma as to who plays .
    Euell n/a Glad to have him on board
    Doherty n/a Didn't need to come on this week . Different situation to Notts with it being a home match where he was effective , Scunny had more guile.
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    Elliot - 7
    Solly - 7
    Morrison - 6.5
    Taylor - 6.5
    Wiggins - 7
    Waggy - 7
    Hollands - 7
    Stephens - 7
    Hayes - 6
    Bwp - 7
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    Elliot 8
    Solly 7
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 6
    Wiggins 6
    Wagstaff 6
    Stephens 6
    Hollands 7
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    BWP 7
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    edited August 2011
    Elliot -7
    Solly -7

    Green- 7 just for the briliant cross!
    Euell 6 nice to see him back on valley turf
    Doherty OMG why

    i didnt think hollands and stephens were as good as they have been so far this season but that will not last! :-)
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    edited August 2011
    Elliot - 7
    Solly -7
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 7
    Wagstaff - 6.5  would like to have seen him pushed up instead of being subbed for Green and would have swapped Hayes for Green.  Mainly because I’m desperate for Waggy and Green to be involved in what little I’ve seen of Green.
    Stephens - 7.5
    Hollands - 7
    Jackson - 7.5 MOM
    Hayes - 6
    BWP - 7.5

    Green - 7.5 sublime/beautiful cross almost the moment he stepped on the pitch.
    Euell - 6 had to smile and have a lil chuckle at his first touch of the game, love having him back
    Doherty - think I’m very biased in my opinion of him so will try to be polite and never give him a rating and the bloke doesn't help my Dad’s blood pressure.

  • Options
    Elliot 7.5
    Solly 8
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 6.5
    Wiggins 7
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Stephens 6.5
    Hollands 7.5
    Jackson 7.5
    Hayes 7
    BWP 7

    Green 7
    Euell 6
    Doherty 2
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    Elliot 9 MOM
    Solly 7 works hard
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor 6.5
    Wiggins 6 
    Wagstaff 5 back to his old self
    Stephens 6
    Hollands 7
    Jackson 7.5
    Hayes 4
    BWP 7

    Green 8
    Euell 6
    Doherty 3
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    Elliot - 8.  Looked sharp -a couple of top draw saves and could do nothing for the goals.
    Solly - 6.5 Defended well but at fault in the build up to th eequaliser- clearence should have gone in row Z but out at the very least.
    Morrison - 7. Solid
    Taylor - 7 Solid
    Wiggins - 7 Loked good going forwards but Scunthorpe didn't allow us to do that enough.
    Wagstaff - 6.5 Effort was there but quality wasn't always - was a danger to them though with his pace
    Stephens - 6.5 Not his best game- struggled to get a hold
    Hollands - 7 Did well -an excellent signing
    Jackson - 7.5 Excellent goal -unlucky not to have another and an assist.MOM
    Hayes - 6.5 Lacks pace but very nice touch - can see how he compliments BWP but we needed more attacks - Keeper made a great save from him and I think he may have scored if he was a tad faster when he got closed down 2nd half.
    BWP - 7 Looks very sharp to me

    Green - Quality delivery. Looks a handful
    Euell - Looked very sharp and qulaity when he came on - shame we took BWP off as defence was Scunthorpes weakness yeasterday.
    Doherty - Cant give him great marks and was not the right sub to make, but not at fault with the goal.
  • Options
    Elliot 7.5
    Solly 7
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Wiggins 6
    Wagstaff 6
    Stephens 6.5
    Hollands 6.5
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6.5
    BWP 7.5
  • Options
    Looking at my scores I should really have given Elliot man of the match I suppose.
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  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Solly - 8   MOM
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 6
    Wagstaff - 7
    Stephens - 6.5
    Hollands - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Hayes - 5.5
    BWP - 7.5
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Solly - 7
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Stephens - 7
    Hollands - 8 MOM
    Jackson - 7
    Hayes - 6
    BWP - 7
  • Options
    Elliot. - 7
    Solly. - 7
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor - 6.5
    wiggins -6.5
    Wagstaff -6
    Stephens 7
    Hollands -8 MOM
    Jackson. 6.5
    Hayes. 6.5
    BWP - 7
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Solly - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Hollands - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Hayes - 6
    BWP - 7
  • Options
    edited August 2011
    Elliot  7.5
    Solly  6.5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Wiggins 6
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Stephens 6.5
    Hollands 7.0
    Jackson 6.5
    Hayes 5.5
    BWP 7

    Green n/a
    Euell n/a
    Doherty n/a
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Solly - 7
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Stephens - 6.5
    Hollands - 6.5
    Jackson - 6.5
    Hayes - 6
    BWP - 7

    Green n/a
    Euell n/a
    Doherty n/a
  • Options
    Elliot - 6.5
    Solly - 7
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 7
    Wagstaff - 7
    Stephens - 6.5
    Hollands - 7
    Jackson - 7.5
    Hayes - 6.5
    BWP - 7
  • Options
    Elliot 7
    Solly 6.5
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor 6.5
    Wiggins 6.5
    Wagstaff 7
    Stephens 7
    Hollands 7.5 mom
    Jackson 7.5
    Hayes 7
    BWP 7.5

    Green 6.5
    Euell 6
    Doherty n/a
  • Options
    Elliot 7
    Solly 7.5 MOM
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Wiggins 6.5
    Wagstaff  7
    Stephens 6.5
    Hollands 7
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    BWP 7
  • Options
    Elliot 7.5
    Solly  7.5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Wiggins 6.5
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Stephens 6.5
    Hollands 7
    Jackson 7.5
    Hayes 7
    BWP 8
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  • Options
    Elliot 7
    Solly 7
    Morrison 6
    Taylor 6
    Wiggins 6
    Wagstaff 6
    Stephens 6
    Hollands 6.5
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    BWP 7.5

  • Options
    Elliot  7
    Solly  7.5
    Morrison  7
    Taylor  6.5
    Wiggins  6.5
    Wagstaff  6
    Stephens 7
    Hollands 6.5
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    BWP 7.5
  • Options
    edited August 2011
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    Was only watching until the 89th min - by looks of things I will be marking pretty much everyone a point higher. Up muntil that point we were comfortable and scunthorpe never looked like getting back in the game.

    Elliot  - 7 - two good saves, not much else to do
    Solly - 7.5  -Excellent throughout
    Morrison - 7 solid
    Taylor - 7 - solid
    Wiggins 6.5
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Stephens - 7 great first tired second
    Hollands - 8 the 'glue' for out team, i'd seriously worry if he wasn't playing
    Jackson - 8 - Best he's played this season constant outlet and threat, good goal
    Hayes - 7 - Tried little too hard and should have had at least one goal, still ran tirelessly and was hacked down left right and centre, think that say it all
    BWP - 7

    Green n/a
    Euell n/a
    Doherty n/a
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Solly 8 - MOM
    Morrison - 7.5
    Taylor 7
    Wiggins 7
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Stephens 7.5
    Hollands 7.5
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6.5 - He may have missed a few chances but at least he is getting himself in the right positions.
    BWP 7

    Green n/a - Some good crosses but he should have closed down their guy for the cross that lead to the second goal.
    Euell n/a
    Doherty n/a
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Solly - 7.5
    Morrison - 8
    Taylor - 7
    Wiggins - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Stephens - 6.5
    Hollands - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Hayes - 6.5
    BWP - 7

    n/a - 7.5
    Euell n/a - 6
    Doherty n/a - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - No blame for the goals and a couple of good stops 7

    Solly - Solid at the back, needs to push on more.

    Morrison - good in the air, but got in a mess for their first 6

    Taylor - Very solid, but was turned around for their first 6.5

    Wiggins - Looks like a player that the opposition feel that they can get around.  Couldn't get forward much as he was effectively playing on his own on the left for a lot of the game 6

    Wagstaff - worked very hard, just needed to release the ball a bit earlier 6.5

    Stephens - some quality balls, but engineered a cluster of a short corner that led back to our end and then very weak challenge for the equaliser 5.5

    Hollands - did it all, had to cover for the absent Jacko a lot and got a great cross in to give BWP a tap in. 8

    Jackson - given that he scored one and was unlucky not to get two I'll get slaughtered for this, but his positioning is a mess.  Was often wandering inside, much to Powelly's frustration.  It meant the midfield was often too congested and Wiggins was outnumber.  We didn't have an outball to the left. 4.5

    Hayes - good work rate, but fluffed a couple of good chances 6

    BWP - weak shot at the start, but made one and scored on.  Quality striker 7.5

    - hinted at the threat he might cause, particularly from the dead ball, though a bit indisciplined to get himself booked after poor reffing 6.5

    Euell - reckon he'll start against Reading  - 6

    Doherty - not really his fault but a dreadful decision to bring him on.Invited them on and lost us two points.  You wonder why, with three big centre backs on Stephens was trying to mark their threat?
  • Options
    Elliot         8Solly          7.5Morrison    6.5Taylor        6.5Wiggins      6Wagstaff     6Stephens    6Hollands     7Jackson       7Hayes          5BWP             7
    Green n/aEuell n/aDoherty n/a
  • Options
    Elliot 8Solly  6Morrison 7Taylor 6Wiggins 6Wagstaff 7Stephens 6Hollands 7Jackson 7Hayes 7BWP 8
  • Options
    Elliot 7
    Solly 7
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor 6.5
    Wiggins 6
    Wagstaff 6
    Stephens 6.5
    Hollands 6.5
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    BWP 7
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