DJ'd last night at The Westcliffe Hotel in Southend. To make sure I could get to yesterday's game, my mate and me set up at 10 in the morning, finished by 11 and decided to treat ourselves to breakfast down on the seafront before travelling to the Valley. So got a nice table outside sitting in the sun and had a decent breakfast to be fair. As we were finishing our meal an estate car pulls up outside and the staff start unloading a shipment of food etc. from local suppliers. On the menu was was lager at £3 a pint, to our surprise they were unloading cases of Asda own brand budget lager (thankfully we didn't have one)! I don't know how much Asda cheapo lager is a can probably about 40p and they were knocking it out for £3, never mind the taste! Makes you wonder how many other places do the same thing.
Actually I just remembered back in the day, I used to work in the Charcoal Burner in Sidcup and the guvnor in there used to fill up his posh sherry cask with cheapo stuff. Not to mention all the slops at the end of the night going back in the barrel for the next day.
Doesn't surprise me at all. most pubs and bars that don't have regular customers will always sell the cheapest alcohol at top prices. Do you think the pubs where all the younger people pack out on a friday & saturday night really have Smirnoff or bells in their optics?
It's one of the reasons all the smaller local pubs are closing at an alarming rate. They can't compete. When a customer of theirs orders a glass of glenfiddich 12 yr old malt that he's been sipping for 20 years, try serving him a cheap supermarket alternative...........................
Meet the 1% Richie. Everything we sell is what it says, in fact the only time it's not is when it's a better product in a lesser bottle because we have bought something in Gibraltar that you can't get in Portugal i.e. Pussers rum in a Captain Morgan bottle. In my opinion A) it's not worth it should the weights and measures people turn up and
I am honest.
As one of the Weights & Measures men that Algarve refers to I can confirm that, whilst there are a number of retailers that pull stunts like substitution, it is nowhere near the figures that have been bandied about on this thread and that it's still relatively rare in the pub game (and always has been since I started in the mid-80's to be fair). Landlords have always found other ways of being "creative" shall we say rather than run the risk of a prosecution!
I'm not going into details but there are ways to tell if a spirit has been substituted into a more expensive branded bottle and we do spot checks and visits when we can but unfortunately, budget pressures being what they are, these are likely to be less often than either we or the public would like in the future.
From the figures I've seen I'd be more worried about other sources of substitution than your local boozer and there's plenty of counterfeit stuff out there too
That's just business every person / outlet selling something sells it for more than they paid for it.