An = number of units of alcohol consumed S = smokiness of the room (graded from 0-10, where 0 clear air; 10 extremely smoky) L = luminance of 'person of interest' (candelas per square metre; typically 1 pitch black; 150 as seen in normal room lighting) Vo = Snellen visual acuity (6/6 normal; 6/12 just meets driving standard) d = distance from 'person of interest' (metres; 0.5 to 3 metres)
Basically it is formula to explain the "Beer Goggle" effect that some of us suffer from sometimes.
Oh come on people, let's keep it sensible and let's concentrate. This equation is the process by which sawdust, mud, iron filings and steam are combined to form a hot dog currently to be found at the Valley on a match day.
is you tryin to say dat i is fick??
i HAVE IT IT AS 33.6 - Are you sure AFKA
Bless fella, would I do that ?
S = smokiness of the room (graded from 0-10, where 0 clear air; 10 extremely smoky)
L = luminance of 'person of interest' (candelas per square metre; typically 1 pitch black; 150 as seen in normal room lighting)
Vo = Snellen visual acuity (6/6 normal; 6/12 just meets driving standard)
d = distance from 'person of interest' (metres; 0.5 to 3 metres)
Basically it is formula to explain the "Beer Goggle" effect that some of us suffer from sometimes.
This equation is the process by which sawdust, mud, iron filings and steam are combined to form a hot dog currently to be found at the Valley on a match day.