In the Reading match ratings (although most marked him highly) after Francis put in a tremendous performance, I seem to remember a couple of posters marked him with a 5.
Those posters still couldn't overcome their bias against Francis, despite the player's actual performance. .
Guys, whilst I see Francis as a bad player etc what is it with all this anti booing.
Booing a poor performance has been around for hundreds of years, jesters and stage acts have been booed, hauled off stage by a hook and/or plastered with rotten fruit and veg due to putting on a poor peformance.
Today's footballers are the modern day jesters and entertainers and if they put in a bad performance or are seen not to be trying we as the paying audience are entitled to "give em stick"
Football is expensive to attend nowadays both on an individual match basis or a season ticket and despite the "prawn sandwich" brigade we must assume the average fan is a good old working class supporter who after doing a hard days work wants to go to football to let off a bit of steam.
We live in a world at the moment especially in the UK where our every move is watched, we cant do this we cant do that etc, etc, so do we really want to extend the "nanny state" in our football grounds?
I used to stand on the East Terrace as a kid and can still remember the banter, the piss taking and the booing as I leant against the crash barrier, I think because we all sit in close proximity now and under cover it seems louder and more intense.
Booing bad entertainment is a tradition and I see no reason why it has to be exempt from football.
what a load of pish
Footballers are Jesters .... have you taken too many uppers today ?
You can't compare singers etc with sportsmen in general
Unless singers are in direct competition on the same stage with one another then this is the most ridiculous comparison I have ever heard
Booing bad entertainment is a tradition and I see no reason why it has to be exempt from football.
Quite. But unless I'm mistaken booing before a performance has even started is hardly de rigeur. Unless someone is cast as a pantomime villain of course, but don't think any of our players have earned that particular status.
I'm afraid you've outed yourself as a booer, so you're getting some back. Well I respect your views, even though I'm not persuaded. But please tell me, don't you see a big difference between booing a player who is playing, and not delivering, and booing a player before he even starts? How does your analogy fit that behaviour?
I recall we won teh game Kim Grant got booed in 5-0 and Curbs absolutely tore into the fans after the match and good on him too. I think Curbs felt the fans needed management in the same way as players and told them off as a collective when they were bad and praised them when they were good. I think he was the best manager of fans I have seen. It is quite difficult for Chrissy because his relationship with fans is closer emotionally but he needs to write something about it in his notes or on the website. We are top of the league FFS!!!!!!
Guys, whilst I see Francis as a bad player etc what is it with all this anti booing.
Booing a poor performance has been around for hundreds of years, jesters and stage acts have been booed, hauled off stage by a hook and/or plastered with rotten fruit and veg due to putting on a poor peformance.
Today's footballers are the modern day jesters and entertainers and if they put in a bad performance or are seen not to be trying we as the paying audience are entitled to "give em stick"
Football is expensive to attend nowadays both on an individual match basis or a season ticket and despite the "prawn sandwich" brigade we must assume the average fan is a good old working class supporter who after doing a hard days work wants to go to football to let off a bit of steam.
We live in a world at the moment especially in the UK where our every move is watched, we cant do this we cant do that etc, etc, so do we really want to extend the "nanny state" in our football grounds?
I used to stand on the East Terrace as a kid and can still remember the banter, the piss taking and the booing as I leant against the crash barrier, I think because we all sit in close proximity now and under cover it seems louder and more intense.
Booing bad entertainment is a tradition and I see no reason why it has to be exempt from football.
what a load of pish
Footballers are Jesters .... have you taken too many uppers today ?
You can't compare singers etc with sportsmen in general
Unless singers are in direct competition on the same stage with one another then this is the most ridiculous comparison I have ever heard
The only clown here is you
I dont ever recall comparing singers to footballers or sportsmen directly, I refered to them all as entertainers which in my books they are. I pay good money for a concert ticket to be entertained by the band/singer in just the same way I purchase my season ticket in the hope the team will entertain me.
If neither of these live up to my expectations I am entitled to complain or boo because I have paid to be there.
Last but not least, wind your neck in pal and lets have less of the "Clown" insults.
I'm afraid you've outed yourself as a booer, so you're getting some back. Well I respect your views, even though I'm not persuaded. But please tell me, don't you see a big difference between booing a player who is playing, and not delivering, and booing a player before he even starts? How does your analogy fit that behaviour?
You could not be further from the truth, I would never boo a player before, during or after the game, to be honest I have much better things to do with my life, however I was merely defending those that do want to vent their frustration.
I do not and never will agree with booing a player when his name is announced before kick off or when he takes to the feild, in my books he has to earn the stick he is getting during the game.
The right to boo is neither here nor there , the absolute fact of the matter is is that it has a negative affect on the player and subsequently the team . If you boo , do it at the end of the game but if you do it during the game , you get what you deserve and that's a team that is going absolutely nowhere . If you love Charlton and you want them to succeed then for Christ sakes support them positively. If I see you boo during the game I'm gonna let you know what I think of you and you ain't gonna like it . You have Been warned !!! ;-)
knew this thread would end up being about our supporters.
Simon Francis is woeful...said it from day one. like great players can have shockers...crap players can have a half decent game.
right back is one of the most comfortable positions to play. u see almost everything that is going on as the game is generally played infront of you, and time on the ball is something that most full backs are allowed. but my old mucker francis has a nack of bein in a rush, out of position, and when in possesion its like someones pushes his head, up comes that size 9 and the ball is directed anywhere like a boiling hot potato. Solly isnt blessed with real pace, or the general physique of a pro footballer...but his common sense, football brain and general composure allows him to play at this level...and actually be one of our best players this season.
anyone that thinks Simon Francis is more than a Blue Square Premier player needs their head testing and knows very little about how to play football.
All of Charlton Lifes a stage, and all the posters merely jesters: they have their opinions and their arguments; and one person in their time plays many parts, his acts being starting seven discussions.
Please keep the criticism, if any, as constructive criticism. Personally, i thought he was ok. Gave the ball away cheaply at times and looked quite exposed in the first half. From the 90 minutes i saw friday, he looks more like a centre half than a right back. I believe he will end up being a good aquisition tho, especially when we play sides that lump it....just think he could be a bit more composed in possesion.
All of Charlton Lifes a stage, and all the posters merely jesters: they have their opinions and their arguments; and one person in their time plays many parts, his acts being starting seven discussions.
Guys, whilst I see Francis as a bad player etc what is it with all this anti booing.
Booing a poor performance has been around for hundreds of years, jesters and stage acts have been booed, hauled off stage by a hook and/or plastered with rotten fruit and veg due to putting on a poor peformance.
Today's footballers are the modern day jesters and entertainers and if they put in a bad performance or are seen not to be trying we as the paying audience are entitled to "give em stick"
Football is expensive to attend nowadays both on an individual match basis or a season ticket and despite the "prawn sandwich" brigade we must assume the average fan is a good old working class supporter who after doing a hard days work wants to go to football to let off a bit of steam.
We live in a world at the moment especially in the UK where our every move is watched, we cant do this we cant do that etc, etc, so do we really want to extend the "nanny state" in our football grounds?
I used to stand on the East Terrace as a kid and can still remember the banter, the piss taking and the booing as I leant against the crash barrier, I think because we all sit in close proximity now and under cover it seems louder and more intense.
Booing bad entertainment is a tradition and I see no reason why it has to be exempt from football.
what a load of pish
Footballers are Jesters .... have you taken too many uppers today ?
You can't compare singers etc with sportsmen in general
Unless singers are in direct competition on the same stage with one another then this is the most ridiculous comparison I have ever heard
The only clown here is you
I dont ever recall comparing singers to footballers or sportsmen directly, I refered to them all as entertainers which in my books they are. I pay good money for a concert ticket to be entertained by the band/singer in just the same way I purchase my season ticket in the hope the team will entertain me.
If neither of these live up to my expectations I am entitled to complain or boo because I have paid to be there.
Last but not least, wind your neck in pal and lets have less of the "Clown" insults.
If you are comparing paying for ticket to a concert with paying for a ticket to a match then is again a ridiculous comparison
(at least you're consistent)
Yes you are entitled to boo ... but not quite sure why you are so proud of doing it
I'll wind my neck in if you wash that stupid paint off your face and remove the red nose ... you can keep the comedy braces though as they are somewhat amusing.
I wasn't there for reasons of work so cannot comment on Francis' performance but listened to Radio London and Steve Brown expressed the view that he needed to be substituted as he was having "one of those nights we all have from time to time."
Anyone who says he is the worst player to play for Charlton presumably never saw the likes of Jacobsen, Churchouse, Wilson etc in the late seventies to name just three.
I would also add that he has never hid in matches I've seen him play unlike the darling of Charlton life Therry Racon.
but how many games did Jacobson play ? Francis has been consistantly awful over a much longer period of matches. Garry Churchouse was nowhere near as bad imo.
Once he goes who will assume the much sought after title 'Charlton's Most Hated'? .. It looks as though Mr Hayes is favourite as I type, especially as Mr Benson's exit looks to be imminent along with Mr Francis .. any more thoughts, now that Llera has gone and 'the Doc' only gets a rare outing ?
Booing a player before the game had even kicked off is just wrong. Why do it? There is no excuse for it. Yes, as much as I would like to stand up for Francis, he had a shocking game but come on. Even booing players after their first mistake is wrong. Why turn up to support Charlton if you are going to boo players when they haven't even got into the game yet. Some fans really do confuse me.
Good luck to Francis because I am sure he wants out. I would if I was playing for supporters who boo me even when I am warming up.
Just out of interest, where was all this booing happening? I was sitting in the west and couldnt hear it, groaning yes, a few stupid shours of 'francis your shit' 'powelly get him off' but no booing
1 I was sat in the West and heard no booing. (There may have been but I never heard it).
2 Francis has been very poor from his first game. I cut him some slack at the start last season, as he had missed pre season & was playing catch up in terms of fitness. But he never improved.
3 Francis can be good going forward and did put in some decent crosses. However, as a defender he has been very poor in almost every aspect.
4 I do not recall in 40 years a Charlton player who passes so regularly to the opposition in the majority of games.
5 It is impossible to say whether he is the worst Charlton player ever. However he would definitely rank in my top 10 worst players, together with Viggo Jacobsen, Tony Hazell, Gary Churchouse, Richard Wilson, Alan McCormack, Bobby Goldthorpe etc.
6 The mere fact that we are discussing whether he is the worst or not, is clear enough to suggest that he really is poor.
7 Booing really pees me off & I rarely boo, although I do admit to it occasionally such as Wycombe H in the QF League Cup, when as a Prem team we were outfought & outplayed, with the like of Marcus Bent being the culprits.
8 Booing is much more widespread at most grounds & I think although we are worse than some, we are not as bad as others. maybe it's how some of our supporters relieve their "aggression". I suppose it's better than assaulting fans which is more prevelent at most other clubs, if you look at the police arrests etc.
Just caught up on this thread, I remember the Kim Grant incident as I felt so embarressed as a Charlton fan to hear our own player having to endure a the "Off, Off, Off" chant when he missed a virtual open goal that I wrote to him to apologise and assure him that what he probably didn't hear was a chorus of voices telling the idiots to shut up. Got a really honest reply back from him saying he knew he hadn't performed at his best on that day and just hoped he would get the chance to show those fans that he was worthy of the shirt.
Booing before or during a game is nothing but counter productive, I have shouted at fans in the North Upper for doing it but as a lone female voice, I am not sure that anybody takes any notice (probably just think I am hormonal). If more people read Eddie Youds comments, maybe a note in the programme might help, I would hope the idiots would have the intelligence to stop and get behind the team, EVERY one of them, instead. There is not a player out there who wants to play badly they would all rather have the aduration of the fans rather than the derision.
Lets just get behind them we are Top of the League for gods sake!!!!
was in the East and didn't hear any booing. Loads and groans and a few laughs after the umpteenth mistake but no booing. Feel for him really. Needs to get away for his own good.
Francis is the worst player i have seen consistantly for charlton ever in 30 years of watching our highs and lows i have not seen a worse player, that of course is my objective opinion.
would i boo him
would i slate him on here
yes i would
do i wish him to be gone
did i feel sorry for him last night
yep but only because he was so bad
do i blame him
no he tries his best no doubt about that, it is just that his best is pony
The guy has no confidence. Confidence is the key to performing at any level of the game. To know you can do better and change opinions with a good performance, but can't, leads to frustration and more poor performances.
He needs a fresh start from a manager who can put his arm round his shoulder and ignite his self belief again.
Booing before he has kicked a ball is shocking but unfortunately it doesn't surprise me anymore.
worst performance ever aha but got to feel for the bloke most probably wound up by how bad he was playing himself. One of the worst but not the worst player ever for Charlton. Agree you do need confidence and he has none.
Those posters still couldn't overcome their bias against Francis, despite the player's actual performance.
I dont ever recall comparing singers to footballers or sportsmen directly, I refered to them all as entertainers which in my books they are. I pay good money for a concert ticket to be entertained by the band/singer in just the same way I purchase my season ticket in the hope the team will entertain me.
If neither of these live up to my expectations I am entitled to complain or boo because I have paid to be there.
Last but not least, wind your neck in pal and lets have less of the "Clown" insults.
You could not be further from the truth, I would never boo a player before, during or after the game, to be honest I have much better things to do with my life, however I was merely defending those that do want to vent their frustration.
I do not and never will agree with booing a player when his name is announced before kick off or when he takes to the feild, in my books he has to earn the stick he is getting during the game.
If you love Charlton and you want them to succeed then for Christ sakes support them positively.
If I see you boo during the game I'm gonna let you know what I think of you and you ain't gonna like it . You have Been warned !!! ;-)
knew this thread would end up being about our supporters.
Simon Francis is woeful...said it from day one. like great players can have shockers...crap players can have a half decent game.
right back is one of the most comfortable positions to play. u see almost everything that is going on as the game is generally played infront of you, and time on the ball is something that most full backs are allowed. but my old mucker francis has a nack of bein in a rush, out of position, and when in possesion its like someones pushes his head, up comes that size 9 and the ball is directed anywhere like a boiling hot potato. Solly isnt blessed with real pace, or the general physique of a pro footballer...but his common sense, football brain and general composure allows him to play at this level...and actually be one of our best players this season.
anyone that thinks Simon Francis is more than a Blue Square Premier player needs their head testing and knows very little about how to play football.
All of Charlton Lifes a stage, and all the posters merely jesters: they have their opinions and their arguments; and one person in their time plays many parts, his acts being starting seven discussions.
no. this is what you said after francis 1st game.
How do people think he performed Friday?
Please keep the criticism, if any, as constructive criticism. Personally, i thought he was ok. Gave the ball away cheaply at times and looked quite exposed in the first half. From the 90 minutes i saw friday, he looks more like a centre half than a right back. I believe he will end up being a good aquisition tho, especially when we play sides that lump it....just think he could be a bit more composed in possesion.
who put 20p in sherlock?
fair enough paul...from day two then
This thread has, as ValleyGary pointed out, gone the usual way. Pointless discussion.
On the subject? Agree he is finished here. He isnt good enough as a footballer or mentally strong enough. We might as well pay him off.
1 I was sat in the West and heard no booing. (There may have been but I never heard it).
2 Francis has been very poor from his first game. I cut him some slack at the start last season, as he had missed pre season & was playing catch up in terms of fitness. But he never improved.
3 Francis can be good going forward and did put in some decent crosses. However, as a defender he has been very poor in almost every aspect.
4 I do not recall in 40 years a Charlton player who passes so regularly to the opposition in the majority of games.
5 It is impossible to say whether he is the worst Charlton player ever. However he would definitely rank in my top 10 worst players, together with Viggo Jacobsen, Tony Hazell, Gary Churchouse, Richard Wilson, Alan McCormack, Bobby Goldthorpe etc.
6 The mere fact that we are discussing whether he is the worst or not, is clear enough to suggest that he really is poor.
7 Booing really pees me off & I rarely boo, although I do admit to it occasionally such as Wycombe H in the QF League Cup, when as a Prem team we were outfought & outplayed, with the like of Marcus Bent being the culprits.
8 Booing is much more widespread at most grounds & I think although we are worse than some, we are not as bad as others. maybe it's how some of our supporters relieve their "aggression". I suppose it's better than assaulting fans which is more prevelent at most other clubs, if you look at the police arrests etc.
Just caught up on this thread, I remember the Kim Grant incident as I felt so embarressed as a Charlton fan to hear our own player having to endure a the "Off, Off, Off" chant when he missed a virtual open goal that I wrote to him to apologise and assure him that what he probably didn't hear was a chorus of voices telling the idiots to shut up. Got a really honest reply back from him saying he knew he hadn't performed at his best on that day and just hoped he would get the chance to show those fans that he was worthy of the shirt.
Booing before or during a game is nothing but counter productive, I have shouted at fans in the North Upper for doing it but as a lone female voice, I am not sure that anybody takes any notice (probably just think I am hormonal). If more people read Eddie Youds comments, maybe a note in the programme might help, I would hope the idiots would have the intelligence to stop and get behind the team, EVERY one of them, instead. There is not a player out there who wants to play badly they would all rather have the aduration of the fans rather than the derision.
Lets just get behind them we are Top of the League for gods sake!!!!
Francis is the worst player i have seen consistantly for charlton ever in 30 years of watching our highs and lows i have not seen a worse player, that of course is my objective opinion.
would i boo him
would i slate him on here
yes i would
do i wish him to be gone
did i feel sorry for him last night
yep but only because he was so bad
do i blame him
no he tries his best no doubt about that, it is just that his best is pony