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Cheapest place to buy Echo Falls Rose in France??

So, I am off to France for the day tomorrow on the Eurostar!!! 

I am partial to a drop of Echo Falls rose wine & wondered if anyone here knew the cheapest place to buy it in France?

I have had a look online & the eurotunnel shop do 6 bottles for 20 euro's!!!!!!.  Dont get me wrong, I know that is very, very cheap but, been greedy I just wondered if it is possible to get it even cheaper??

Any idea??


  • Or you could branch out and try some local wine, probably much cheaper and probably much better wine
  • Or you could branch out and try some local wine, probably much cheaper and probably much better wine
    Oh yeah, of course I will be doing that!  I just wondered where the cheapest place is to buy this particular brand
  • Very few supermarkets in Northern France sell anything other than European (and mostly French) wine. You are better off stocking up where you are able - Eurotunnel.
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