come on its Friday afternoon, dish some dirt, what did she do that was cowish?
as for the frigid thing, you can't change someone, but I guess you don't find out immediately, being compatible in that way is something you need to sort out early on tho.
I recall breaking up with an ex not too long ago and the relief was massive as had need to do it for some time. Nothing wrong with her at all just not right, I did regret it later for a bit anyway as you do sometimes, however I got over it.
Blimey what a load of sheep. One person says he shouldn't post his "break-up" on here & everyone follows.
If he's happy, good luck to him. Others have posted far greater information about their personal situations and have been offered all sorts of advice.
However if Davy is known to be a **** then I take back the above :-)
You should see what she's posted online about you....
nah he's just fallen asleep at his desk
as for the frigid thing, you can't change someone, but I guess you don't find out immediately, being compatible in that way is something you need to sort out early on tho.
I recall breaking up with an ex not too long ago and the relief was massive as had need to do it for some time. Nothing wrong with her at all just not right, I did regret it later for a bit anyway as you do sometimes, however I got over it.
Now put a would ya up and we will see