Am I the only person who thinks it's humourless? Miserable bald bloke travels world moaning about local customs.
Yes you are.
Makes me laugh every week.
No you're not the only one. I've never found it remotely funny - the bloke's a complete bellend. And I'm a miserable fecker myself, so blows that theory out of the water.
people that dont find it funny need to get the broom out their arses. cracks me up every week.
Thanks for that. There's a few programmes I'm thinking of watching over the next couple of weeks - could you tell me what to think about those as well? Ta.
Think Pilkington is excellent. Don't think he's an idiot at all. Underneath that exterior lurks a very witty and intelligent man.
Can't see that Gervais add to it really though other than as producer. I don't like his false laughter when he's goading him. Just let Karl get on with the business.
Yes you are.
Makes me laugh every week.
Looking forward to next week when he goes wing walking!
holly valance for me...but for you oggy id say robbie savage.
no worries
Anyway, Offy ........ you've upset everybody else tonight, so you might as well upset me too. Grrrrr!
Anyway back To IA2, makes me smile compared to some of the utter sh**e that frequents the box these days.
Such a funny episode last night to ( bungee jump )