Just thought I would highlight the achievement of Luke Donald yesterday in the final tournament on the PGA season. Although many lifers are probably not interested in golf, we should all be able to recognise the focus and dedication to complete what he set out to do.
Luke Donald is the number one golfer in the world. He is also leading moneywinner on the European Tour. His lead at the top of the PGA moneywinners was taken last week by a young American golfer, Webb Simpson. Luke decided to enter the final event at the last minute, in an attempt to win back the title of PGA top moneywinner knowing he may have to win the event in order to achieve it. Nobody has ever held the title on both the European and PGA tours at the same time before, not even Tiger Woods, remember him?
Luke Donald was partnered with Webb Simpson on all 4 days of the tournament and struggled to keep close to his main rival for the first 3, but Luke dug in and managed to find his game and won the tournament by 2 shots. You don't have to be a golfer to acknowledge the single-minded attitude and 100% of the man.
Being a top sportsman in any sport requires a strong mental attitude. Let's hope our boys can remain focussed on the target ahead for the rest of the season.