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Politics & Football.

edited November 2011 in General Charlton
Seeing as this is a Football forum and I’ve just been accused of being a “thick as pig shit Nazi”, I think it would be a nice idea to leave politics and maybe religion alone from now on? What do others think?


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    I think you have a very nice dog in your picture!
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    Jawohl mein Fuhrer!

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    Cheers, that's my Springer, Adolf. ;-)
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    I have suggested that in the past but AFKA - the main man around here - feels that the site benefits from general non-football discussions.

    The problem is though that it soon degenerates into left-right slanging matches, I would definitely rather not have politics on here, there are plenty of other places people can get that.

    And definitely no Rangers/Celtic stuff either.

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    hi rob do u like my dog.
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    Yeah nice dog bazer, keep it Football and dogs!

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    But the same type of insults could thrown out on any topic. I was very interested in the point you were making and 99% of the thread was fine. Cant you just outlaw unacceptable language.
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    right downham dog mate f..cking eats all the wall scum round
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    How big actually are you Rob?
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    The politics related threads contain some interesting points from a range of perspectives. So my vote would be to keep them. Perhaps, people could learn to walk away after making a point, and not incessantly go backwards and forwards with other contributors, who like themselves will never change their viewpoint. 

    Further as far as Scottish teams are concerned, there is no reason why they can't be discussed sensibly. There is no harm in talking about a Scottish team or for that matter a Czech team or a Spanish or Italian team. 
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    Big enough Chirpy, good point ShefRed!
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    edited November 2011
    I wouldn't let it bother you Rob. There are quite a few people on here who are just up for a ruck and it takes a little getting used to. You will suss out who the wind up merchants are. It is a good idea to avoid politics , religion and any discuston about Bob Crow !!
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    I wouldn't let it bother ou Rob. There are quite a few people on here who are just up for a ruck and it takes a little getting used to. You will suss out who the wind merchants are.
    What's that you're saying about my mum??? Why you **********************************************************************!

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    The comments : are in black and white, are written on a public domain website for the world to read, cant be proven and libellous.

    It's a generally a good idea to: THINK BEFORE YOU INK

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    Politics, football and religion have always been contentious topics, so what else we gonna discuss?
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    To be fair, There can be some good debate on here.
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    I'm fairly certlain AFKA as asked SEVERAL times for these sorts of topics to not be discussed here, could be wrong though.
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    You can still get into just as heated a debate via football alone, so why bother excluding everything else?
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    Okay, but if this forum is as it seems (Full of keyboard warriors like Stig), I'm guessing I won't be around for too long! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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    Politics & football should never mix, soon you be having fans starting their own party and standing in elections, whatever next.
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    You also have a good dog bazer!
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    I trust that you won't be approaching FIFA to allow us to wear Swastika's ?
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    Fair post Sheffield.  Personally (as a Scots Haddock) I don't take too much offence at some of the views on here and I think it's good to give a bit of perspective.  I do find it really interesting when posters living or working in other countries post about what is going on in the football world in those countries - our media don't always give us the nitty gritty.
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    I for one don't really get involved in the political stuff on here (or anywhere really) very often as the same effect could be achieved by repeatedly smashing my head against a brick wall, and without having to worry whether the wall is on a wind-up or genuine. For those who do get involved, that's their choice, don't feel you have to chip in on every topic, or even read them. I don't.
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    Isnt there some sort of online rule about how long two people can argue on a messageboard before one is branded a nazi.
    It generally gets accelerated when one of them chooses a Nazi badge as their icon.....

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    Our general approach has always been to avoid topics centred around politics and religion as historically users have proved unable to cover these topics in a civil manner.

    We've never wanted this to be football / charlton only, but kindly ask people to avoid topics which might prove contentious. Where other topics stray into those areas, we let them run until people spoil it, and then we either close it sink them. Posters that either continuously prove problematic in these instances whilst offering nothing rose to the forum eventually get excluded. Simple as that. No forum is perfect, and everyone is moderated differently. All we can do is be as clear as possible in how we moderate ours, and I would like to think those who have been members for a long time have a good steer on where we are coming from.
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    AFKA -----------its your ball you choose when to stop the game. When we meet next lets have a chat about the twonk who used to have a gaelic saying next to his name and only EVER posts on here to knock ANYTHING English---OK ?

    PS  Rob is big -----and he has lots of guns and shots lots of things!!!  however he does live in France.

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    There is no ball and there is no game. It's just comment sense and a bit of decency in thinking about what you post, that's all.

    We are not striving to be edgy or push boundaries, we just want a broadly fun, easy going and occassionally articulate forum that is to the benefit of Charlton and Charlton supporters, and requires the minimum of admin involvement.
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    I have already apologised to AFKA, I know that I overstepped the boundaries yesterday and that was wrong of me. I also apologise to the posters here who were contributing to a largely good-natured debate until I got it closed down. 

    To Rob I am sorry for calling you thick as pig shit, it was a childish insult and one that I have no evidence for.  You know I wasn't reacting to anything you said, but something else I felt strongly about.
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