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Company Loyalty and Work Uniforms.

edited November 2011 in Not Sports Related
I am wondering if something is just me or whether others have felt the same.I have recently left one company after 27 years and joined a new one.In my game we wear uniforms.I am wearing the new company uniform and I am finding it really strange.It felt like putting on a spanner or nigel top (not that I have),I leave the house with my jacket zipped right up and I am avoiding people I know.I feel really dirty.I take my coat off when I am safely inside the new company training HQ.The second I'm out of the HQ I'm hiding under my coat again.The former company didn't treat me that well at the end but it feels completely alien to me.Has anyone had a similar experience?


  • BT, back in 1988. They introduced image wear.
    It was very cheap and very nasty. I, like most of the guys refused to wear that version.
    I jacked the job in after a few months and joined Fords, they gave us various bits of clothing all rubbish.
    Present job, own clothes day everyday.
  • edited November 2011

    I worked at Ford in the late 70s, at that time the clothing was plentiful and good quality. I had a nice, warm and good quality donkey jacket with F O R D emblazoned across the shoulders. I wore it with pride as at that time Ford gear was de rigeur and fashionable in  downtown Dagenham. Years later, during a very slack period I was a Sainsbury home delivery man for a few weeks. The schedule for the round required the driving skills and speed of a Vettel/Button/Hamilton but instead of a flame proof one piece overall smothered in upmarket company logos I was issued with trousers, fleece, gloves and a high visibility jacket. They are still bundled up somewhere in the depths of my garage except for the HV Jacket which I wear sometimes when cycling.

    My approach to other people's opinion about my workwear? ... if they don't like it ... f*** 'em. Good luck in your new job richie8

  • Too many man are chasing them Zara level chicks. Its crowded up there. swear down u gotta get academy on that shit. smart guys like me are scouting those lower league girls who are just about to step up to Zara level. Lower leagues is where its at trust me. I'm talking about Claire's Accessories, New Look, Barratts.
  • They can go either way.  You go in at New Look level hoping that they'll step up to Zara or even Armani levels but what if they lose form?  Some of them have a bad month and get in a spiral and you end up with Primark or Poundstretcher.  And they're often not as grateful as you'd think.
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