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There's a lot of confidence on here predicting a win for even a second 11, yes we're playing great, but for Town it's their cup final and means more to them than a 2nd round place does to us......early one for you guys travelling up tomorrow, what's the latest is it 4 coaches now plus floaters?!  I'll be rolling out of bed about 9am, making my way down to Weatherspoons for breakfast with shaymanaddickt for a full english and some quality ale, dirty dicks for some more then a short walk to The Shay - first time I seen the boys this season so looking fwd to it!!

2 all and a replay - cup magic!!


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    4 coaches, 250 advance tickets sold. 400 expected in total. I'll be rolling out of bed at 5.15  :-( 
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    better than I thought then....mate wants me to go in town end but prob opt for red end sounds like we need all the support we can journey mate ;)
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