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Just a question.

edited November 2011 in General Charlton

I’ve been reading and commenting on here for a few days now, and would just like to find out what peoples reasons are for posting on this forum? Most of you have fake or coded names and obscure pictures on your profiles? You jump on threads with two feet and without reading what others have posted, or indeed what the thread was initially about. None of you seem to care for opposing view either? This is just a question, so I hope and trust that nobody gets offended and then berate me as some of you already have done at least three times previously...



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    waht rae uoy tlking aobut? ... ;) 

    in all seriousness, its just about all things charlton for me, and finding out other peoples opinions... I think you've only hit trouble because people thought you was saying the racist Lisbie song was okay and just banter. mere misunderstanding. 
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    lol That was only a recent "misundersatnding"...
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    You'll be OK once your accepted into the clique......:-)
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    I wouldn't want to be bing mate, not planning on staying for long.
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    you've had it now mate lol, ps its not my dog in my pic :)
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    I'm an internet warrior. That's why.
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    That sounds more like it siblers mate! ;-)
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    This is a well run forum and I know the gentleman who has the unenviable task of keeping everyone in check. There is some unofficial policing that goes on and you will find some posters jumping on what you write. Otherwise it's a good site.
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    This is a well run forum and I know the gentleman who has the unenviable task of keeping everyone in check. There is some unofficial policing that goes on and you will find some posters jumping on what you write. Otherwise it's a good site.
    No you bloody wont!
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    This is a well run forum and I know the gentleman who has the unenviable task of keeping everyone in check. There is some unofficial policing that goes on and you will find some posters jumping on what you write. Otherwise it's a good site.
    Maybe he/she will read this thread then?
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    It's okay on here as long as you don't take yourself, or others, too seriously Rob.
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    As has been said there is plenty of Keyboard warriors on here but also plenty of funny posters, Wise posters and all round 'Know what they're talking about' posters.


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    One of the most passive aggressive forums i've ever posted on. The only reason i post on here is because this is the only charlton forum i've come accross. Used to enjoy until that went down and into the valley is a charlton forum for the insane.
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    There's normally some tit for tat on most threads, it gets quite annoying to say the least. Generally, try to stick to the main topic of the thread and nobody should have any problem with you, unless they think your wrong in which you'll get slated, but that's no different to if you said something stupid down at the pub (for the most part). Sometimes its wise to define what you mean to the exact point so you don't get misunderstood, accidentally or purposefully. As said there are a good sized handful of decent posters who don't act like keyboard warriors, just need to get used to who they are, im not completely and ive been here for about 4 or 5 months. I still really enjoy it though, CL is actually my most visited site. 
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    As has been said there is plenty of Keyboard warriors on here but also plenty of funny posters, Wise posters and all round 'Know what they're talking about' posters.


    Thanks man
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    Welcome to the internet, 99.9% of forums are the same, if not worse, it's sad but it's how it is.
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    I think you're all wrong.
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    I’ve been reading and commenting on here for a few days now, and would just like to find out what peoples reasons are for posting on this forum? Most of you have fake or coded names and obscure pictures on your profiles? You jump on threads with two feet and without reading what others have posted, or indeed what the thread was initially about. None of you seem to care for opposing view either? This is just a question, so I hope and trust that nobody gets offended and then berate me as some of you already have done at least three times previously...

    A lot of strange people post on this forum, you'll get used to it after a while! I'm the strangest of the lot so feel free to ignore me.
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    Don't often post but read a lot.  You'll soon get to realise who are the sensible posters, who are looking for a rise and who are just doom mongers (and that is my ex-cat in the photo and it is still my hat)
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    I’ve been reading and commenting on here for a few days now, and would just like to find out what peoples reasons are for posting on this forum? Most of you have fake or coded names and obscure pictures on your profiles? You jump on threads with two feet and without reading what others have posted, or indeed what the thread was initially about. None of you seem to care for opposing view either? This is just a question, so I hope and trust that nobody gets offended and then berate me as some of you already have done at least three times previously...

    I've just read the thread you're referring to and I have to say that it was you who appears to be guilty of not reading what others posted. You came out with "It''s just a bit of harmless banter" or some such when the last few posts had been talking about some fairly nasty racial abuse.

    Now it's entirely possible that those posts were made whilst you were typing your own post, in which case fair enough, but that's not how it looked so that's probably why people jumped on you. It appeared, hopefully wrongly, that you thought racial abuse was fine and dandy and that's why people may have seemed hostile. It was a bad first impression but hopefully you'll stick around and find out that we're actually okay once you get to know us.
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    This MB is split into two groups.......

    The 1 Group and The 41 Group.

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    This MB is split into two groups.......

    The 1 Group and The 41 Group.

    Only on Charlton Life could a question with a precise, mathematically defined answer run to 5 pages (and counting)!
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    This MB is split into two groups.......

    The 1 Group and The 41 Group.

    Only on Charlton Life could a question with a precise, mathematically defined answer run to 5 pages (and counting)!
    And on a weekend when England beat the current world champions.
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    ...and we win 4-0, but it was a side who are shit and they know they are.

    That was banter.
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    edited November 2011
    I've just read the thread you're referring to and I have to say that it was you who appears to be guilty of not reading what others posted. You came out with "It''s just a bit of harmless banter" or some such when the last few posts had been talking about some fairly nasty racial abuse.

    Now it's entirely possible that those posts were made whilst you were typing your own post, in which case fair enough, but that's not how it looked so that's probably why people jumped on you. It appeared, hopefully wrongly, that you thought racial abuse was fine and dandy and that's why people may have seemed hostile. It was a bad first impression but hopefully you'll stick around and find out that we're actually okay once you get to know us.



    I wasn't referring to any thread because, as I did say, there are a few where this has happened. If you would like to talk about the thread that you have flagged, I made my position clear immediately, but there were still numptys banging on about incest, race and disabled people. I'm not personally a "singer" at football, but I was making a very clear point that I never found "you're shit and you know you are" at all offensive. The other two are not acceptable, the incest song? Well someone has already posted a link to a comedian using it and it seemed to raise a laugh in that case…

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    100% Charlton I hope one day to change my user name to Valley40,000.
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    Some people just like to moan Rob.

    They moan when we don't sing, they moan when we do sing, they'll moan about the Johnnie Jackson song, they'll moan about the Red Red Robin being played.

    Just ignore them and let them get on with there little world of self loathing
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    Rob just keep away from plaayer!

    He wear Ugg boots, Glee cast off jackets and cardie that not even your nan wouldnt knit
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    Cyber stalking
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    Lol the truth hurts
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