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Seat Conundrum

edited November 2011 in General Charlton
Right, I've sat in H block in the North Upper for the past three seasons, I'm sick of it though.  There are a bunch of nob-heads that sit in row MM and NN (just a few seats along)  They are rude, offensive and just plain obnoxious and its got to the point where I just cannot sit near them.
I love sitting in the North Upper, but it seems to be primally vacated by ignorant twonks. Can anyone recommend an area in either block H, J or L that with be more than a couple of seats away from said people.



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    L block's fine IMO
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    yep L block is fine apart from one nutter a few rows behind me that likes to commentate on the whole game, said person moans a fair bit too.  Against Preston he seemed to get very irrate over a misplaced pass, strange thing is we were five goals ahead at that point.
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    Anyone sit near Big Vern in NWQ/NU? He turns up drunk to every game and abuses people who don't join in with his songs
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    Anyone sit near Big Vern in NWQ/NU? He turns up drunk to every game and abuses people who don't join in with his songs
    I know Verne, he used to sit next to me a couple of seasons ago.  
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    Anyone sit near Big Vern in NWQ/NU? He turns up drunk to every game and abuses people who don't join in with his songs
    I know Verne, he used to sit next to me a couple of seasons ago.  
    Don't you just wanna punch him?
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    Anyone sit near Big Vern in NWQ/NU? He turns up drunk to every game and abuses people who don't join in with his songs
    I know Verne, he used to sit next to me a couple of seasons ago.  
    Don't you just wanna punch him?
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    K block's pretty good. Only one tit right at the front.
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    Anyone sit near Big Vern in NWQ/NU? He turns up drunk to every game and abuses people who don't join in with his songs
    I know Verne, he used to sit next to me a couple of seasons ago.  
    Don't you just wanna punch him?
    I've never wanted to punch him, I've spoken to him and he isn't the full ticket.
    There are far worse people who sit near where I sit, people who you cannot reason with. Not a week goes by without an argument, racism is rife, it genuinely makes me very sad.
    Where do the drummers sit?
    Also L block, is it a mixture of standing and sitting like H & J?
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    Big Vern? Correct me if i'm wrong, but is he not a character from VIz?
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    i thought you were puzzled by what car to purchase.
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    Right, I've sat in H block in the North Upper for the past three seasons, I'm sick of it though.  There are a bunch of nob-heads that sit in row MM and NN (just a few seats along)  They are rude, offensive and just plain obnoxious and its got to the point where I just cannot sit near them.
    I love sitting in the North Upper, but it seems to be primally vacated by ignorant twonks. Can anyone recommend an area in either block H, J or L that with be more than a couple of seats away from said people.

    You're right by me then. I'm in oo just to the right of them and they get on my tits. Every game spent with them telling someone behind to "f*** off" and "I've paid for my season ticket and stand every week". Get on my tits. They could have moved their tickets back to get in the standing crowd but that's either too smart an idea or they just enjoy the aggro. And they're ugly
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    If you complain to the stewards they should be dealt with. I know some people who were recently thrown out for standing ( i wasn't there that game) we have stood where we are for years and no one had complained before. If they had we'd have sat down! STs confiscated meeting with the club to get them back the whole deal.
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    Right, I've sat in H block in the North Upper for the past three seasons, I'm sick of it though.  There are a bunch of nob-heads that sit in row MM and NN (just a few seats along)  They are rude, offensive and just plain obnoxious and its got to the point where I just cannot sit near them.
    I love sitting in the North Upper, but it seems to be primally vacated by ignorant twonks. Can anyone recommend an area in either block H, J or L that with be more than a couple of seats away from said people.

    You're right by me then. I'm in oo just to the right of them and they get on my tits. Every game spent with them telling someone behind to "f*** off" and "I've paid for my season ticket and stand every week". Get on my tits. They could have moved their tickets back to get in the standing crowd but that's either too smart an idea or they just enjoy the aggro. And they're ugly
    Yeah, that's one of them. Im on row MM, that fella should ashamed. I've payed for my season ticket so I'm gonna stand and you know what screw everyone else. We actually moved a row in front a couple of weeks ago so these kids who were sat behind them could have our seats.
    They do like the agro, I've seen them at away matches just taking the piss.
    You cannot report them to the stewards, they'd be back next week giving me agro.

    I've actually had day dreams about hiring a seven foot extra just to stand in front of him for 90 mins.
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    Think I came accross these idiots at the chesterfield game. Thought it was going to end in blood when the bloke behind confronted them. Think the only reason he didn't smack the idiot (who seemed to be the mouthpeice of them) was only because he was out-numbered about 5/1.

    As I don't have a season ticket and just get my tickets for each match, I just wander about and find an unoccupied seat wherever suits me (normally somewhere I can stand without blocking those behind me).
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    I used to sit in the East stand and we were surrounded by obnoxious idiots. I used to either block them out or point out the flaws in the crap they were coming out with. Sadly those days are gone and I'm stuck in sunny Hull, which means a third round tie with United, City, Hull or Leeds would be lovely. But I digress, if you can't beat 'em, get away, get away fast. 
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    I used to sit in the East stand and we were surrounded by obnoxious idiots. I used to either block them out or point out the flaws in the crap they were coming out with. Sadly those days are gone and I'm stuck in sunny Hull, which means a third round tie with United, City, Hull or Leeds would be lovely. But I digress, if you can't beat 'em, get away, get away fast. 
    Unlucky on being in Hull!

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    Think I came accross these idiots at the chesterfield game. Thought it was going to end in blood when the bloke behind confronted them. Think the only reason he didn't smack the idiot (who seemed to be the mouthpeice of them) was only because he was out-numbered about 5/1.

    As I don't have a season ticket and just get my tickets for each match, I just wander about and find an unoccupied seat wherever suits me (normally somewhere I can stand without blocking those behind me).
    Yes Tango I remember that, id joined you in the North Upper, the first time i'd been in the 'Covered End' since we the day we went back to the Valley all those years ago. Felt sorry for the guy he was so pxxxed off but he was outnumbered by at least 5/1, and then the little kid sitting next to us with his mum and dad had to move because he couldnt see anything.....selfish prats I'm afraid......but the other guy did well to walk away otherwise it would have turned nasty and no doubt we could have been dragged in.
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    L Block is pretty good in IMO, good banter and pretty good humour in the main
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    I've generally sat in L this season and I haven't had any problems yet. I've been going to matches with my family so I've been grateful for the lack of aggro. The biggest problem I had was being sat in front of a few kids aged around 8-10 who were swearing and calling the opposition players Cs all game. No problems with people standing whatsoever
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    I used to sit next to the drunken troll looking bloke in the J Block, he always ended up in a row with someone around us.
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    yep L block is fine apart from one nutter a few rows behind me that likes to commentate on the whole game, said person moans a fair bit too.  Against Preston he seemed to get very irrate over a misplaced pass, strange thing is we were five goals ahead at that point.
    Sorry about that :)
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    Against Hartlepool (I think)  last year, He was having a row with the steward about the steward being in his way or something and his mate coming running down, Headbutted the steward over a few seats and the Chief Steward person sent the steward home and told the bloke to go back to his seat.

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    yep L block is fine apart from one nutter a few rows behind me that likes to commentate on the whole game, said person moans a fair bit too.  Against Preston he seemed to get very irrate over a misplaced pass, strange thing is we were five goals ahead at that point.
    Sorry about that :)
    Nope can't be you as you would have said "I hate people that do that sort of thing, grrr moaners bloody want to boo well f em and everyone else."  etc etc
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    My Grandson and I moved from Block B in the East Stand to Block L in the North Upper. We are well chuffed with the move, but if we were to encounter the behaviour that is being described I would immediately make somebody's life hell with phone calls and emails, plus if neccessary personal visits. We are entitled to expect people to behave properly in all area's, but my own experience with Stewards is not good. Head for the top, contact Michael Slater.
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    im at the front of j block with mog and mrs mog, love it. you get the atmosphere of the north upper but your not in the thick of it, nice bunch of people around me and in general in the little blocks at the front the upper seem to be abit calmer.
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    edited November 2011
    Right, I've sat in H block in the North Upper for the past three seasons, I'm sick of it though.  There are a bunch of nob-heads that sit in row MM and NN (just a few seats along)  They are rude, offensive and just plain obnoxious and its got to the point where I just cannot sit near them.
    I love sitting in the North Upper, but it seems to be primally vacated by ignorant twonks. Can anyone recommend an area in either block H, J or L that with be more than a couple of seats away from said people.

    You're right by me then. I'm in oo just to the right of them and they get on my tits. Every game spent with them telling someone behind to "f*** off" and "I've paid for my season ticket and stand every week". Get on my tits. They could have moved their tickets back to get in the standing crowd but that's either too smart an idea or they just enjoy the aggro. And they're ugly
    Yeah, that's one of them. Im on row MM, that fella should ashamed. I've payed for my season ticket so I'm gonna stand and you know what screw everyone else. We actually moved a row in front a couple of weeks ago so these kids who were sat behind them could have our seats.
    They do like the agro, I've seen them at away matches just taking the piss.
    You cannot report them to the stewards, they'd be back next week giving me agro.

    I've actually had day dreams about hiring a seven foot extra just to stand in front of him for 90 mins.

    Take their seat nos, and write to the club. Safety officer: John Little - tel: +44 (0)20-8333 4000 Fax: +44 (0)20-8333

    Some of the lads that sit around me in K block recently had a meeting with this man after being ejected for standing (no abuse just standing) With a Police safety officer aand they did not want to give their season tickets back. They are now being watched.


    Or just move. But you shouldn't have to put up with abuse.


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