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New year resolutions

edited February 2007 in General Charlton
So we are now in February.

What did you pledge to achieve and have you managed to sustain?

For me it was to lose some weight and get fit again the incentive being the lifers match at The Valley in May and the impact of age and gravity! Have since lost over a stone and can run for 8 miles.

Oh and to win the Instant Addicks Jackpot


  • my main was to stop biting my nails.

    which i have done. i have proper nails now, for the first time ever in my life, and they're currently painted green.

    my other one was to stop midweek drinking which i've done well at, not perfect though.
  • Mine was to stop smoking, which to date has been a miserable failure, I keep trying maybe one day I shall succeed.
  • Also to lose some weight.

    Which I am achieving - but very slowly. I lost 6kgs in the first week but then got a bit complacent. Giving it another charge this week so hopefully can lose some more. Looking to lose 3 stone for summer.
  • only 2 joints a day! used to have 5!

    Done really well too, and didnt have any all last week! which is a first for quite some time i can tell ya! Next step one a day then weekends only, then none a day! yey
  • edited February 2007
    AFKA has asked me to reply on his behalf:

    "I pledged to give up smoking and lasted until 14.31 on the 1/1/07 - this is a record for me so I am very happy"
  • [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite] Looking to lose 3 stone for summer.

    Just cut your tongue out that'll do it.......
  • Mine was to be more forward with women, which has so far yielded me getting a stalker bird who is overloading my phone with the number of pointless text messages she is sending me. Think she has finally got the message now though. No normal single women out there FACT ! Have decided to give up this resolution for the remainder of the year.
  • "Just cut your tongue out that'll do it......."


    Listen to the old boy getting all brave :-)
  • LOL, i got through to 4/1, then slipped. Forest away was the nail in the coffin.

    Wanted to lose weight as well, but judging by how tight my trousers are, i haven't achieved that either.

    I did go to the gym on sunday though. In the time since i last went, i have contributed over £1200 to their funds, aren't i nice like that.....
  • mine was to lose weight and regularly go to the gym but have only been to gym once in the last 3 weeks due to work completely engulfing my life.

    still i have joined the gym opposite my office now so no excuse.
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  • Doing 30 odd miles a week on the bike at the moment, going to up that to 50 odd by next week, then 100 miles a week by the end of Feb.

    My legs hurt though
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Doing 30 odd miles a week on the bike at the moment, going to up that to 50 odd by next week, then 100 miles a week by the end of Feb.

    My legs hurt though

    dont ya get sweaty for work tho! Where i worked before this geezer used to cycle in and he stank! proper mung he did! Hoow do you get on dood??
  • Mine was to stop smoking cigarettes n weed,was quite a heavy smoker and havnt ad a fag or a j for 5weeks,2 days,12 hours n 51 mins.Not that im counting :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]
    dont ya get sweaty for work tho! Where i worked before this geezer used to cycle in and he stank! proper mung he did! Hoow do you get on dood??

    Got showers here fella, otherwise, I'll still here in my cycling gear stinking the place up.
  • well done Browny, take my hat off to you.
  • Cheers fella,it's been tough but hopefully i'm over the hard bit now.
  • When I gave up smoking, getting to week 4 was the cold turkey period. It then got easier until week 8 when knew i would never smoke again.

    However after ten years I can still look at someone smoking in a pub and think that it looks lovely. So I am afraid that you never really give up and have to have the will power for the rest of your life.
  • Never make a new years resolution, because I'm usually pissed when I do, so I've either forgotten about it by the morning after, or realise what a complete tosser I was to even think of such a thing in the first place.

    I've subsequently made one for February and that is to lose weight, by firstly cutting out all the crap I eat and secondly to start swimming regularly again. No specific targets other than to go down a size or four in the trouser waist department.

    Yes the Lifers match at the Valley is the perfect incentive, but mostly because the joints are becoming increasingly knackered, so it makes sense to lighten the load before complete failure takes place.

    Those who know me will give it about a fortnight! :-)
  • give up swearing and lose a few pounds ...failed miserably
  • my other was not to turn 29, but failed that today
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  • "my other was not to turn 29, but failed that today "

    Happy failure
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]my other was not to turn 29, but failed that today

    Congrats on the failure.

    I myself have failed that on many occasions.
  • I wanted to stay eternally young at 28, but hey ho, grey hairs a plenty
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Doing 30 odd miles a week on the bike at the moment, going to up that to 50 odd by next week, then 100 miles a week by the end of Feb.

    My legs hurt though

    Piece of piss that mate. I myself am hoping to top about 30 to 40 miles a day come the summer.

    Admittedly my bike has Yamaha and Dragstar written on the side of it and leg movement is minimal, but think of the fresh air!

    Mind you if I don't pass my test damn soon I ain't going nowhere. :-(

    Just thought of another resolution!
  • 1905.. agree with the fags thing, there are still sometimes a rare occasion when I think.mmmm even after 15 years, but knowing the risks and health impact brings me to my senses thankfully.

    For those wishing to lose a few pounds what I have done is as follows no surprises or rocket science

    No dairy except semi skimmed in coffee/tea
    No cheese
    No bread
    Cut down on alcohol only drink when out and not at home
    Reduced portion size
    No sugar and very little fat
    Only eating enough until full and not belly busting!

    More exercise

    Main driver is weight watchers core foods list.... it works
  • Rothko, your well lucky to have a david gower at your work, i am always the one employee who always says that every workplace should have showers! ESPECIALLY IN MY GAME (shitcaps) as it can get quite mucky if your on the press!
  • No dairy except semi skimmed in coffee/tea - Check
    No cheese - Check
    No bread - Check
    Cut down on alcohol only drink when out and not at home - Check and double check
    Reduced portion size - Do I have to?
    No sugar and very little fat - one sugar instead of two
    Only eating enough until full and not belly busting! - check
  • Thats my prob Lats. I am happy to go to the gym on a regular basis and I am happy to cut down on food portions. But I just love shit food - the fat on the pork chop is the best part etc. I also enjoy the odd beer.
  • edited February 2007
    Stop smoking puff - Check
    Lose some weight - Check (ish)
    Dont drink every night - Check
    Stop spending money like its going out of fashion - Check
    Give up smoking - Check (Well had to delay that a little as too much too soon would have been a mare, but its 7 days now and even managed a night out on Sat without a cig!)
  • [cite]Posted By: Latimer[/cite]No bread
    just can't cut out the bread , i luv it , even tho it doesn't luv me
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