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The Friday Dilemna

edited November 2011 in Not Sports Related
After a night at the pub, one of your best mates comes back to your gaff to finish his kebab and order a taxi. When he leaves, you notice a twenty pound note is on the floor where he was sitting. Had to be his as you know it wasn't there earlier.

Do you:

A. Text him to say he left a twenty and you'll give it to him next time down the pub.

B. Keep stum, but if he mentions it then pretend you didn't realise it was his and return it.

C. Pocket it, deny everything, with the likely cover that it must have fell out in pub, the kebab shop or the taxi.


  • A


    he'll almost certainly buy u a drink with it when u return it to him at the pub

  • Hmmm , sounds like you've been round plaayers and lost a score ...?

    A all day long for me

  • I'd be too busy checking to see if he'd left any of that kebab
  • Always A.

    Anything else he ain't your mate.
  • Depends whether he bought a round during that evening!
  • After a night at the pub, one of your best mates comes back to your gaff to finish his kebab and order a taxi.
    It's such a glamorous life you lead : - )

    A: but would not text him till the morning in case he got all shirty about being woken up by his phone after
  • Without question- A

    If he dropped a nifty I might change my mind however, especially with it being so close to Xmas ;)

  • A all the way
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  • Hmmm , sounds like you've been round plaayers and lost a score ...?

    A all day long for me

    There is no way a score is falling out of AFKAs pocket without him knowing about it!

  • A: but would not text him till the morning in case he got all shirty about being woken up by his phone after
    Such a sarcastic git. ;-)

    A for me, no question.
  • A.  Mates are mates end off.  And as said next time he will be buying the first round. 
  • He probably had it ready to pay for the cab and as you're battling with your concionse (?sp) he's battling with an irate cab driver. A all the way.
  • edited November 2011
    None of the above. He's pulling a con trick on you to see your reaction. Leave it there and invite him round the next day. Reverse the dilemma on him.

    BTW - nice friend you are - who invites their mate round and then makes them sit on the floor?
  • Take him out and buy the drinks all night then tell him that you used the score he left at your place as you knew he'd want to buy the drinks with it.
  • Not sure why there is even a question. "A" for me whoever it was.
  • Do you rate your mates in order .. so if its one of your BEST mates A ... if its someone u like in small doses B .. or an acquaintance C
  • LOL, i reckon the result would have been less than unanimous under the old poll system !

    Sod him. The idiot knows you've not had a holiday for three years yet you had to spend the whole evening listening to him banging on about Toronto this and Toronto that all evening

    C all the way

  • Ha ha!
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  • Depends if i was so skint and the fecka didn't share the kebab

    A in all other circumstances
  • BTW - nice friend you are - who invites their mate round and then makes them sit on the floor?
    Maybe he can't afford a sofa? He's now got £20 to put towards one........;-)
  • So AFKA this actually happened and I am assuming you are trying to justify keeping it..
  • Experiments by Richard Wiseman show that what we say we would do and what we actually do are quite different things. Nevertheless, it would never happen to me. I wouldn't let anyone inside my house with a kebab in the first place.
  • What sort of kebab was it?
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