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TV Characters

Sat and watched an episode of Minder today and it got me thinking about which two characters from different programmes would be good pitched up together.

I reckon that Arthur Daley and Delboy in a boozer striking up a deal using all the London lingo whilst smoking the big Cubans would have made for a good scene. Meanwhile Terry and Rodney would be back at the lockup loading the merchandise into the back ot the Three wheel van. I think that Delboy would be a bit in awe of Arthur and try to aspire to him.


  • It a shame that Del boys film "There's a Rhinoceros loose somewhere in London." never got made.

  • Uncle Albert & Dave (from The Winchester, not Rodney!) swapping no-one else listens to them!
  • edited November 2011
    That kills people by night and hides in a garage by day...

    It a shame that Del boys film "There's a Rhinoceros loose somewhere in London." never got made.

  • Papa lazarou from the league of gentlemen and miss marple. Couldn't fail.
  • That kills people by night and hides in a garage by day...

    It a shame that Del boys film "There's a Rhinoceros loose somewhere in London." never got made.

    The detective is a charlton Heston type, and he teams up with the zoo keeper-who happens to be a very attractive woman, and it's not long before he's giving her 'what for'!
    -and theres the romantic interest!
  • edited November 2011

    When asked where he would get the Rhino from, "I know someone whos got one going cheap!"

  • edited November 2011


    My mates and I threw around this comic fantasy of Daley and
    Del Boy pitting their wits against each other in the 80's. Especially as Minder
    had started doing Christmas Specials (Minder on The Orient Express for example)
    and then OFAH by the late 80's had established itself as the major programme on
    Christmas Day.

    OFAH was great but IMO went on too long, they should have
    left after the watch auction. Of course Minder did overstay it's welcome too.
    The last series Dennis Waterman was in was a joke. He didn't throw one punch.
    To carry on with Ray was a mistake and the less said about the Shane Ritchie
    revive the better.

    However in its day Minder was absolute TV gold. Comedy drama
    is not that easy to pull off and I reckon only Auf Weirdersain Pet bettered
    Terry and Arthur in this genre on British TV. Created by the prolific Leon
    Griffiths it was made by Euston Films to fill the gap left by the end of their
    other big success The Sweeney and gave Dennis Waterman a vehicle to continue
    his popularity in said police drama.


    Minder was filmed on location like the Sweeney which always
    gave it an air of authenticity and again like it's big brother attracted a wide
    variety of scriptwriters, producers and actors. I reckon the first series was a
    tad tame but it soon got going and was, I would say, the best programme of its
    time apart from AWP. From memory Minder started in 1979 with The Gunfight at
    The OK Laundrette and AWP in 1983.

  • When asked where he would get the Rhino from, "I know someone whos got one going cheap!"

    What, knocked off?
  • When asked where he would get the Rhino from, "I know someone whos got one going cheap!"

    What, knocked off?
    N'ah some geezer decided to nick one from a zoo in Belgium as his favourite footballer was Keith Stevens, but his wife wouldn't let him keep it on his balcony.
  • Was shitting in the window boxes eh?
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  • Uncle Albert: So why is the rhino killing people?

    Del Boy : Well, what do you want it to be? A social worker?


    The best scene in OFAH history.

  • God, reading this thread has made me miss Only Fools and Horses so much! It was just so good. I wasn't even around when it was made!!
  • edited November 2011
    It's back on BBC in the afternoons and is almost constantly on one of the satellite channels. Not that I watch daytime TV, you understand!
  • Could be one or two interesting police shows if you mixed the characters up. Regan would soon have them sorted in 'Heartbeat' and (if films are allowed) 'Dirty' Harry Callahan would be ideal for 'Midsummer'. And how about Morse for 'The Wire'. 
  • Homer Simpson and Kirsty Wark
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