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Which away game should i choose?

Hi fellow lifers, As a 17 year old currently at college, I have a part time job working every saturday in a shop in bluewater but due to this I no longer get to attend Charlton games, unless on a weekday, I majorly miss it but due to the hours i put in over christmas I get to take a saturday off between now and the 30th of march, i've decided I want to go to an away game having been to Colchester and MK already i want to get my away game numbers up but i can't decide which one? So i'm asking if you were in my shoes which one would you pick out of the following and why?


I'm swinging more towards Huddersfield but can't make my mind up so your input would be much appreciated! Thanks!!


  • edited January 2012
    Huddersfield, nice ground, good team plays attacking football, decent locals, nice time of year around Easter, spend the weekend and have a look around the nice countryside up there .. AND. we are gonna DO em good
  • Bournemouth

    Just for the uni birds in town.
  • bournemouth and get on the lash with mates afterwards

    if not chesterfield or scunny cos they're a bit pervy iykwim(copyright fanny)
  • Bournemouth! Been there for a weekend away with my mates, and staying down there when we play em, lively town!
  • Would swerve Tranmere, haven't been Scunthorpe but I hear it's one to avoid.
  • Huddersfield looks the best tbh.
    Well up for that but wont have the money myself, refuse to work saturdays.
  • Hudds or Bournemouth.
  • Hmmm i'm thinking huddersfield to as it will be a really big game so need all the fans we can get! not that we dont for the rest. I wish i coudl refuse saturday but thats the only day im contracted to work! I am currently looking for a new job with more hours and preferably not a saturday! Four hours isn't enough especially as my driving test is in two weeks and that alone is going to cost me a bundle!
  • Huddersfield for the ground and the importance, Bournemouth for the situation. Whatever you do don't buy the Exeter tickets I need them:-)
  • Bournemouth no doubt
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  • Hmmm i'm thinking huddersfield to as it will be a really big game so need all the fans we can get! not that we dont for the rest. I wish i coudl refuse saturday but thats the only day im contracted to work! I am currently looking for a new job with more hours and preferably not a saturday! Four hours isn't enough especially as my driving test is in two weeks and that alone is going to cost me a bundle!
    I thought I'd paid for your Driving Test, you've spent it on beer haven't you!! Grrr...
  • Bournemouth is the best place to visit by a country mile - Huddersfield could be the bigger game if you only want to watch the football and go home but Bournemouth is worth making a weekend of.
  • Bournemouth tickets are gonna sell like hot cakes
  • Hmmm i'm thinking huddersfield to as it will be a really big game so need all the fans we can get! not that we dont for the rest. I wish i coudl refuse saturday but thats the only day im contracted to work! I am currently looking for a new job with more hours and preferably not a saturday! Four hours isn't enough especially as my driving test is in two weeks and that alone is going to cost me a bundle!
    I thought I'd paid for your Driving Test, you've spent it on beer haven't you!! Grrr...
    No i gotta pay insurance!

  • Bournemouth is the best place to visit by a country mile - Huddersfield could be the bigger game if you only want to watch the football and go home but Bournemouth is worth making a weekend of.
    Only seventeen so wont be able to get in anywhere worth going to nightlife wise :(
  • Hmmm i'm thinking huddersfield to as it will be a really big game so need all the fans we can get! not that we dont for the rest. I wish i coudl refuse saturday but thats the only day im contracted to work! I am currently looking for a new job with more hours and preferably not a saturday! Four hours isn't enough especially as my Dad kindly paid for my driving test ( he's such a top bloke ) , I now just need to not spend any money on beer and save up for the insurance and that alone is going to cost me a bundle!
    Corrected for Dad

  • Hmmm i'm thinking huddersfield to as it will be a really big game so need all the fans we can get! not that we dont for the rest. I wish i coudl refuse saturday but thats the only day im contracted to work! I am currently looking for a new job with more hours and preferably not a saturday! Four hours isn't enough especially as my driving test is in two weeks and that alone is going to cost me a bundle!
    I thought I'd paid for your Driving Test, you've spent it on beer haven't you!! Grrr...
    No i gotta pay insurance!
    at your age .. a grand or two?... ouuuuccchhhhhh
  • Bournemouth tickets are gonna sell like hot cakes
    Hmm...starting to sweat on that front a bit. I am going to be so gutted if I can't get a ticket for a game I can walk to.

    On that basis I'd recommend Hudds...

  • After last season I'd certainly recommend Bournemouth and I shall be returning again this year.
  • Beer is ridiculously cheap in Huddersfield too.
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  • edited January 2012
    Went on a fortyith weekend to bournemouth a few years back. Other than the pub / club thing on the pier we could hardly find anywhere to drink. Thought it was pants. Definitely the one to go to out of that lot though. Shame Huddersfield is the last away game - back end of nowhere,
  • i stand corrected - Oldham, Carlisle and Preston after that - certainly gonna be a few miles done to join the promotion bandwagon.
  • Look, just stop bigging up Bournemouth will ya!

    It's a horrible place, difficult to get to. It's full of chavs, hoolies and aggressive heavyweight munters. The beer's overpriced rubbish (if you can get served that is), the sea's polluted and the pavement's covered in doggy do. The weather's always rubbish in March and we never get a result again the Cherries who play the most boring anti-football you could imagine...just don't bother.
  • Look, just stop bigging up Bournemouth will ya!

    It's a horrible place, difficult to get to. It's full of chavs, hoolies and aggressive heavyweight munters. The beer's overpriced rubbish (if you can get served that is), the sea's polluted and the pavement's covered in doggy do. The weather's always rubbish in March and we never get a result again the Cherries who play the most boring anti-football you could imagine...just don't bother.
    You on the tourism board?

  • Depends what you want.

    Exeter - Terrace and playing a crap team
    Chesterfield - large away support against a crap team
    Tranmere - Tough game up north
    Bournemouth - good bars and should be a good win
    Scunthorpe - horrible ground and a tough game
    Huddersfield - great ground against quality opposition, a good chance of loosing.
  • Hmmm i'm thinking huddersfield to as it will be a really big game so need all the fans we can get! not that we dont for the rest. I wish i coudl refuse saturday but thats the only day im contracted to work! I am currently looking for a new job with more hours and preferably not a saturday! Four hours isn't enough especially as my driving test is in two weeks and that alone is going to cost me a bundle!
    I thought I'd paid for your Driving Test, you've spent it on beer haven't you!! Grrr...
    No i gotta pay insurance!
    at your age .. a grand or two?... ouuuuccchhhhhh
    More like a grand or four!!

  • huddersfield is like tellytubby land.... bournemouth is gonna be a weekender.... both going to be great!

  • No i gotta pay insurance!
    at your age .. a grand or two?... ouuuuccchhhhhh

    More like a grand or four!!

    Lol, i just looked at what it would cost me to insure a fiesta 04 plate. This time last year, I was gettin quotes of approx 2900/3,300. Now ive had my license over a year and am a year older (19), im getting quotes of 1,700.

    Laughable, considering I havnt driven since I passed my test (January 4th 2011)

  • No i gotta pay insurance!
    at your age .. a grand or two?... ouuuuccchhhhhh

    More like a grand or four!!

    Lol, i just looked at what it would cost me to insure a fiesta 04 plate. This time last year, I was gettin quotes of approx 2900/3,300. Now ive had my license over a year and am a year older (19), im getting quotes of 1,700.

    Laughable, considering I havnt driven since I passed my test (January 4th 2011)

    not really relevant to the original post .. but these insurance quotes are extraordinary .. must be all these dodgy whiplash claims .. oooohhh ... me back !!!!

  • Just got back from work, turned out I have three Saturdays worth of holiday so I booked the days of bournemouth and Huddersfield off so I can go! Result!
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