James - don't bother mate. We got one in November 2010 for fortunes and were told that within 6 months there would be at least 6 separate 3D channels on Sky. Here we are in Jan 2012 and there is still only the one channel that basically has mostly crap on it. The rumour is that manufacturers and TV companies are reconsidering due to the lack of interest from customers. Its weird watching football in 3D on the TV - save your money!
Until they make them glasses-free, there's no point in investing. They can do it for smaller devices like the Nintendo 3DS and the LG Optimus 3D phone, but they need to be held at a certain distance to work, the bigger the screen the harder it is to determine a focal point which can then be viewed by more than one person from multiple angles. Personally, a smart TV like the Samsung one is your best bet for future-proofing, as streaming things over the internet and such direct to your TV is the latest thing
Agree ... there is no guarantee that 3D will be successful with tv ... there is even a lot of re-think for 3D films in the cinema ... may be the future, but just as easily could be another fad
I've got a 50in 3D plasma and it's the dogs. However I didnt buy it for the 3D & it's lucky I didn't because the amount of content is poor. Some of the stuff is excellent and depending on what type of 3D TV you get (active or passive) it absolutely blows away what you see in the cinema.
Got a 55in 3D Panasonic Plasma and likewise, it is mind blowing at times. 3D TV content is lacking at the moment, but films on Blu-ray can be jaw dropping. Kung Fu Panda 2, Smurfs 3D (there's a scene where leaves appear in your room and gravitate towards the set, rather than out (holy sh*t was my reaction first time I saw it)), Beauty and the Beast, Captain America and Cars 2 are all very very good and as cafcpolo says it is a much better experience than in the cinema with active shutter glasses. Retailers said that 1 in ever 2 sets sold in December were 3D. That compares to 1 in 4 throughout the rest of the year. What I do know is that you need to go quite big to reap the benefit.
The 3D aspect is only one channel currently and you have to change the setting onto 3D mode. So yes you can watch it in normal mode. the glasses are £50 a pair, but you usually get 2 pairs free with the TV - no good if a big family!
They are good, but I would get an LED tv, picture quality is class in hd and 3d....bare in mind you will need a 3d dvd player if you wish to get 3d blue ray dvds
Content is limited in live action, an awful lot of animated movies so far and I do have kids, so fair enough. Lover's Guide is in 3D, but haven't got it and only one bit is likely to be sticking out and not at all interested in having that wave in my face....
Not sure how something in 3D isn't proper 3D? As for LEDs, yeah the sets are efficient but they are look artificially bright. New plasma sets have much better contrast ratios and are streets ahead when it comes to "blacks".
Not all sets have expensive glasses, depending on the type you can use cinema ones but the quality itself is not as good.
An example of an industry ripe for change. TVs are base commodities and, rather than changing/improving the game, manufacturer's are constantly looking for the gimmicky points of differentiation and hammering away at the marketing. All those buttons on the remote, how many do you actually use, even know what they are!
3D is a gimmick, largely. I wouldn't break the bank for a 3Dtv, though if the one you want has it and you need a tv, then why not.
Wait until the Summer and you will get the new Smart TV's with full internet and proper interfaces. I bought a Samsung 7000 which is beautiful to watch and the internet access for Love Film eye works perfectly but there is no keyboard and the internet is hopeless, fiddling with the remote etc
The Sharpe TV's with the yellow pixel sound interesting. OLED TV's will be coming up this year and LG have showpieced a 84" 3D UD TV, the UD stands for ultra definition, 3840x2160 which is 4 times better than HD.
We have a 3D tv in the office. We have released three titles in 3D blu ray format and have another 7 coming out over the next six months. Good 3D is very nice, bad 3D is disturbing and can make you fee sick.
The market has taken off quite a lot in the last 6 months, but there is still a lack of content available in order for more than one channel to be running 3D programming constantly.
Our 3D TV was a 50" LED, with Passive 3D and it cost the same nearly as a 2D LED TV and we got 4 x glasses thrown in.
In short, I got it out of necessity for work, rather than for home, but now I've got it at work, I will be going out and upgrading to a 3D TV at home this year as some of the content I've seen recently looks amazing.
just took the plunge with 55" 3d panasonic plasma v50 jobby, anyone got any recommendations on decent movies and best places to buy? it converts 2d to 3d as well, which was interesting but not all that to be honest.
PS I also didn't buy it for the 3d its just a curiosity really
What ever you do, dont leave your missus alone to watch it though!!
An American woman claims she became pregant after watching a 3D porno.
US military man Erick Jhonson came home from a stint in Iraq to find that his wife was pregnant. Clearly he assumed she had an affair, but his wife Jennifer claims the “other man” was actually someone a little less physical.
It seems he actually buys her story, however. “I see it as suspicious. The films in 3D are very real. With today’s technology, anything is possible,” he said.
What's even more interesting is that both Jennifer and Erick are white, but the child is black. Jeniffer claims the kid looks like the black pornstar she had been ogling. She also claims this was one of the first times she's watched porn and only went with friends for the 3D effect. TechEye did a survey of one person and found 100 percent would say the same thing in a similar situation.
“Even though my husband believed in me, my marriage could be at risk,” Jennifer said. “But he knows I’m faithful.” It just shows you what joining the military does to your head.
Jennifer explained that “a month after watching the movie, I started feeling dizzy and the results were positive.” That must have been one good porno.
3D movies have gained renewed popularity since Avatar, but there have been some concerns raised over how bad they may be for your eyes. Now you'll have to worry about conceiving in the cinema.
You may have jumped when an object in film was thrown at the camera, but now you'll have to be careful of other, far more uncouth things flying at you. TechEye recommends contraception for your next trip to the cinema. You never know.
Stick to an HD tv for now.
Do all 3D tvs require those stupid glasses at over 50 quid a pair?
Also if you go for the cheaper models, you have to sit directly infront of the screen or it doesn't work.
Not all sets have expensive glasses, depending on the type you can use cinema ones but the quality itself is not as good.
3D is a gimmick, largely. I wouldn't break the bank for a 3Dtv, though if the one you want has it and you need a tv, then why not.
I would save my money and see how things pan out!
The market has taken off quite a lot in the last 6 months, but there is still a lack of content available in order for more than one channel to be running 3D programming constantly.
Our 3D TV was a 50" LED, with Passive 3D and it cost the same nearly as a 2D LED TV and we got 4 x glasses thrown in.
In short, I got it out of necessity for work, rather than for home, but now I've got it at work, I will be going out and upgrading to a 3D TV at home this year as some of the content I've seen recently looks amazing.
PS I also didn't buy it for the 3d its just a curiosity really
Read more: http://news.techeye.net/internet/woman-says-3d-porno-made-her-pregnant#ixzz1zTCsIMMY
can anyone actually answer my query?
What's the problem? Get a 3D TV now. You don't have to watch everything in 3D,.. Just like you don't have to listen to everything in 5.1.