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God damn drunk drivers



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    Hope it all turns out ok Stu and your mates recover quickly.
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    Man Alive!! Best wishes to the injured for a speedy recovery!
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    What else to add, except well done Stu for sharing it with us, and best wishes to everybody. It's really shit that people just stood taking pictures, and you did well not to lamp them as someone said above. But at least the video is out there,forever, and literally the whole world is watching, so maybe, just maybe even the Chinese wont think they can cover it up.
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    You haven't mentioned sueing the ba***rd, is that a possibility ?
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    I think I might avoid a holiday in China if that's how the locals deal with nasty incidents. Are the Police prosecuting?
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    You haven't mentioned sueing the ba***rd, is that a possibility ?
    I'd be more inclinded to be making enquiries with a lawyer about possible culpability of McDonalds for the way the incident was handled after the crash and the subsequent distress this caused.
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    Hope it all works out for your mate Stu. Can't be easy dealing with it all in a foreign country; hope you get the support you all need.
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    Oh my god. thats shocking.

    Thank god you're allright and that your friends will recover in time!
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    Just to reiterate- speak to the consular section about a reputable lawyer
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    The consular are already involved, as are the local government, developments today would indicate the guy will NOT be getting away with this.

    God knowns what the hospital bills will be, plus a 10k a month salary (RMB) for atleast 3 months and other damages, going to be an expensive night out.

    The lawyer has also said today that if for whatever reason the guy can't pay McDonalds are also liable as it happened on their property.

    The Merc is also going up for sale next week to start paying the hospital bills.

    Just got back from the hospital now, both guys are in good spirits and we all managed to have a laugh and a joke, Si has to go in for another op on Monday on the second leg.

    Thanks all for your kind words.
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    How can you run out of noodles in China?!

    If anyone thinks of driving after having a few, remember this video.
    The joys of Chinese new year, very few places are open and those that are don't have much stuff at all.

    Another place a few days ago was sold out of pork!
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    Hope you alright buddy and your pal aint going to have much lasting damage

    must have been horiffic
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    Mate, not seen video yet but thank god you are ok.
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    Best of luck Stu - a horrible experience to go through .

    As of Jan 1st the levels of alcohol permissible in the blood was reduced quite dramatically in Alberta, you should have heard the whingeing about government interference with people's rights from the rednecks in this province. Lot of people still living in the dark ages when it comes to drink driving unfortunately....
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    I hope you are okay and I wish your friends a speedy recovery. That was crazy. There's nothing worst than people standing around watching like it is a massive joke!
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    I think I might avoid a holiday in China if that's how the locals deal with nasty incidents. Are the Police prosecuting?
    I could spend ages listing off all the annoying/terrible things in China, Sunday night being by far the worst but I still think China is a brilliant place to live (ok the salary that allows me to live like a king might be a major factor here) - this incident has not even made me consider coming home, I still really love it here, it really is an amazing country. Despite all the negatives, like the constant staring and yells of 'lowai, lowai' I'd recommend coming here to anyone.
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    What's the good side Stu?
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    Any update, Stu?
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    Well, my friends recovery is coming along nicely, both legs are pinned up and in pots, his school are now trying to get the hospital to give him a wheelchair so he can atleast see the outside world every couple of days.

    As for how the legal process is coming on, everything is very, very quiet, the car has been taking and is in the process of being paid but I know my friends head teacher was speaking to the lawyer today, so hopefully I will know more when I visit the hospital on my dinner break at 6.

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    edited February 2012
    Suspect that the footage has been seen widely by the population around the city/locality where this happened, as well as the rest of the world it would seem..... let's face it, it speaks for itself. So one would like to think that justice will be seen to be done in this instance.
    Good to hear he's getting along OK, he has youth on his side.......I wonder will he come back to The UK (or where ever he's from), in order to fully recover once he's able to travel?
    An amazing and bizarre story to show and tell his grandchildren someday, who honestly would believe it...... the stuff of nightmares, fate and one suspects not a little black humour in years to come!
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    I've only just seen this Stu... what a horrible experience. Glad you're ok though and your mate doesn't have any permanent damage. Let's hope the authorities throw the book at the driver.
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    Good news on your mate Stu. Keep us updated.
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    I'm not so sure about the no lasting damage, his latest xrays show the smaller bone (I dont know it's name) in his right leg has not been fixed, the big bone is all pinned up but the smaller one is still at a pretty horrible angle, the doctors have said they won't be fixing it at all as the pins are in the way but this won't be a problem.

    Now I admit, I'm no doctor but this just doesnt sound right to me.
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    The smaller leg bone is the fibula, the larger one, the tibia.
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    edited February 2012
    The largest leg bone, the femur.

    It doesn't sound right that the fibula is being left to heal itself. If I were him if get a flight home ASAP to get it treated properly.

    We all know china and Japan spend more time developing games than on medical facilities.
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    edited February 2012
    Erm yep

    Chinese docs = bit dodgy in my experience

    See if you can get the xrays on usb and send to a uk doc for an opinion. Chinese doc wont like the idea of losing face, so dont tell him why.

    As for letting the school handle the legal side - NO FREAKING WAY

    I should probably be sending this privately... Aaand... Obviously i have no context of the specific school... Buuut i have 10 years of experience of the wider china area aaaaand... I wouldnt put it past them to cut a deal with the offending party and cut the foreigner right out of it

    I could be dead wrong, of course

    And i should probably be asking questions instead of making uninformed comments, but your post rings alarm bells

    Am i right in saying that the school has hired the lawyer? I can see the temptation of letting them take care of it due to language/culture reasons... Buuuut... It just doesn't sit right

    Realy sorry if i am speaking out of turn stu.

    REALLY hope your mate continues his recovery well...
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    Awful video, Hope your mate makes gets better.
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