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The Pitch!!!

The valleys pitch has it's cover on today so we must be expecting snow or a hard frost overnight! if we get promoted to the championship I think we should get new seats because the seats we have are old and need a to be painted again. what do you think we should do to improve the stadium?


  • paint the seats?
  • Well i just don't know...
  • The seats are plastic, have they ever been painted???
  • 1. More beer.
    2. Free beer.
    3. Better beer.
    4. Beer pie.
    5. Dancing beers/bears.
    6. Naked pole dancing beer.

    Now if you will excuse me I'm off for a lovely glass of Cabernet.
  • I would like to see the undulating roof back on the West Stand. It had character.

  • If you check the CAFC website you will see that much depends upon what happens tonight. If snow is to arrive normally it would be slightly warmer, sounds like a 50/50 chance.
  • I'm all for bears.
  • the seats are meant to be red not white!!! having new red seats would make the place look a lot better and at the moment the seats are making the stadium look old.
  • The bears are on you AshC.
  • The problem with the seats, is that the newer seats from the expansion of the West and North Stands have faded more quickly than the older seats from the early 90s! If all seats faded at the same rate, nobody would notice!

    The East Stand toilets need a bit of TLC, I guess the maintenance stopped when they thought they were going to expand the stand
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  • the stadium itself looks great but the seats are letting the stadium down a bit if you go to other stadiums the seats look great and look new but ours have faded a lot. know its not really a concern but the stadium would look a lot better and brighter.
  • What would improve the stadium most is 27,111 people in it watching premiership football!
  • yeah but that will never happen unless we are in the premiership or a decent championship side. don't think you or I will ever see the valley full any time soon!!!
  • Paint them with luminous yellow paint. The fewer people at night games, the more empty seats. We can then put a dimmer on the floodlights and save a bit of leccy!!

    This is a weird thread! Weirder than usual!! ;-)
  • Bet we do, this time next year when we are top six Championship
  • we are a mid table championship side at best!!!
  • we are a mid table championship side at best!!!
    You are Johnathan Ackworth and I claim my £10.
  • we are a mid table championship side at best!!!
    And what do you base this on?
  • we are a mid table championship side at best!!!
    You are Johnathan Ackworth and I claim my £10.

  • I think we should paint pictures of people siting on them slouched, then when the stadium is less than full no one would notice
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  • Is this thread for real or what ?
  • do away with the seats. we dont need them.
  • More bums on seats = less seats visible. Problem solved.
  • There will be free replacement seats to pick up after the West Ham v Milwall game on Sat.
  • What about if we paint everyone who enters red? That way you would not be able to see that there are empty seats
  • edited February 2012
    we are a mid table championship side at best!!!
    You are Johnathan Ackworth and I claim my £10.
    I had my doubts but after picking this team for Rochdale with Alonso in front of Wiggins, BWP and Kermorgant on the bench,


    subs hamer, taylor, hayes, alonso, hollands

    and now suggesting we paint the plastic seats! valleystorm200 you are one big WUM!
  • Arsenal fans are mooted to be bringing black bin liners with them tomorrow to highlight the gaps in their stands (apparently red seats don't show up as being empty in a sea of people wearing red). Why don't we bring bright red bin liners along to cover our empty seats and make them look brighter?
  • Seriously though, how can we expect to sell out when the seats are looking so jaded?
  • Don't you just love people who don't bother to even scan the thread titles ..... and then gaily jump in with a question that fully confirms their inability to think.
  • edited February 2012
    My seat is so bad that I have to stand
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