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"This Is What Crazy Looks Like"

If you haven't heard this, please listen. It is hilarious.


  • edited March 2012
    Is a 'tixt missige' similar to a 'text message'? Sorry - even though I've never met a Kiwi I didn't get on with, their accent has to be the most annoying on Earth outside of Birmingham.

    And that's eight minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  • To be fair EastStand, that's a bona fide ringing endorsement by Leroy's standards.
  • To be fair EastStand, that's a bona fide ringing endorsement by Leroy's standards.
    Why are we always up at stupid o'clock talking bollocks on here offie? Actually - I can answer that for me - it's because I'm a sad ****. Yourself?
  • Just got in after a few light ales mate - oh, and I'm a sad ****. But at least I've had a light ale at a leaving do tonight.
  • To be fair EastStand, that's a bona fide ringing endorsement by Leroy's standards.
    Why are we always up at stupid o'clock talking bollocks on here offie? Actually - I can answer that for me - it's because I'm a sad ****. Yourself?
    Actually, what I meant to say was: Because the day shift have knocked off for the night - thank fuck!

  • I'm working as well - poxy cable monkeys commissioning offices and not leaving patch schedules. Possibly the most boring thing I've ever done. At least I've got an excuse tonight - usually I'm just sitting here in my mancave bored out of my skull instead of going to bed at a proper hour.
  • I'm working as well - poxy cable monkeys commissioning offices and not leaving patch schedules. Possibly the most boring thing I've ever done. At least I've got an excuse tonight - usually I'm just sitting here in my mancave bored out of my skull instead of going to bed at a proper hour.
    Have absolutely no idea what that means, but well played anyway (I think)
  • I'm not sure what either of you are on about, but it made me laugh.
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