Go to a Eurovision party every year but just checking it's not being held on April 1st.
Given that he is now 76 (the oldest ever contestant) and he has been doing the club circuit for the last 30 plus years with this three (?) hits of the 60's, have we finally accepted we can't win Eurovision? If so, shouldn't the funding we provide for Eurovision now go to more worthy music causes?
Don't talk about worthy causes, where is the £400m+ collected for Lady Di after she died? How many charity companies are there for each major cause? Loads. How much of money collected for "good causes" goes to running the charity and keeping people in jobs and CEO's on large salaries?
I remember when Houllier left Liverpool, he genorously gave £96k to the Hillsborough fund. The women who ran it was interviewed on the radio and was asked how the money would be used. She said it will be used to to run the charity as running the charity was very expensive. The interviewer tried to gently push her as to something more specific and worthwhile but she just said it would help with the administration and running of the charity.
Of course there are good causes that need financial support but there are too many chasing the same money and it all gets spread too thinly. Charities need overhauling in the UK.
Written by a friend, says EH has been touring around Europe. To be honest, we could have the best singer with the best song and still wouldn't win! UK are the Millwall of Eurovision, everyone hates us :-)
I think it is going to be quite fun personally, a bit of a piss take, and who knows he'll probably win.
At least it's something different....
Also on the tour was Cat Stephens.......
I think the tour promoters thought jimi would be a 'novelty act', by the end of the tour no one thought that........
Apparently it was a good natured tour, by all accounts, Jimi played before Engelbert.....
Generally I think the charity sector is very overcrowded with far too many small and medium sized charities competing against each other.
Its so bad its hilarious , 26th May .... keep that date in your diary free :-0
If you think our entry is a Joke, then be warned - Ireland have put Jedward in again
Sat here for a bit wondering who the hell Tony Manero was then, was it Saturday Night Fever?
Was Steve Coogan basing Tony Ferrino on Engelbert a bit, or just any cabaret singer with a moustache? :-)
There goes my dignity
1. A shot glass for every person playing (probably best to have a couple of spares in case people get excited).
2. For true authenticity you need several bottles of authentic Russian Vodka
The rules are very simple. You take a sip of Vodka if:
1) Please Release Me is mentioned. Drink an entire shot if the Peter Kay advert is mentioned
2) Either of the hosts attempts to sing.
3) Either host pretends to be surprised at something said or done by the other in a clearly well rehearsed piece of improvisation.
4) Either of the hosts loses track of their autocue.
5) Anyone sitting in the room with you mentions Terry Wogan. Drink an entire shot if someone says something along the lines of ‘It’s not the same without Terry Wogan’ - he's been gone for three years people! Deal with it!
6) The video shown before an act contains shots of people in traditional costumes. Drink two shots if anyone is seen doing the traditional Azerbaijan Dance. And, yes, I know it looks eerily similar to some of the scenes from Monty Python's Silly Walk sketch...
7) You see an elk. Drink an entire shot if it’s a person dressed in an elk costume.
8) You aren’t entirely sure whether the singer is man who looks like a woman, or a woman who looks like a man.
9) A country is represented by a singer from somewhere else in the world.
10) The act involves people on stage banging large drums or industrial objects acting as large drums.
11) An item of clothing is removed on stage. Drink an entire shot if it is removed by someone else.
12) The act is bald. Drink an entire shot if they are also female.
13) The act possesses a large moustache.
14) The act is dressed in leather. Drink an entire shot if they are dressed in leather and have a large moustache.
15) If you hear a language used other than that of the nation who is singing (i.e French singing in a song by Malta). One sip per language. If in doubt, take a sip.
16) You recognise the song immediately as being a blatant rip off of a previous winner of Eurovision.
17) The song is an ode to world peace. Drink three shots immediately if there are any children on stage at any time during the song.
18) Every time there is an awkward silence and/or miscommunication between the hosts and the people reading out the votes. Drink an entire shot if the votes get mixed up.
19) Every time you hear "Royaume-Uni? Nil point!"
20) Every time a country gives top marks to someone for geographic, political or ethnic reasons. Drink an entire shot if they give them to Russia because they’re worried they won’t get any gas next Winter otherwise.
21) If there is any alcohol left once the show is finished and you’re physically capable of coordinating the movement of alcohol from the bottle to your mouth.