After ages of my mates banging on about how great play stations are I bought one, I find it hard to see why they like it so much more than an Xbox? No party chat? And seems to be a lot slower?
Has anyone else done this and thought the same? Thinking of Trading this thing in back for my Xbox.
Feel free to add me though: KingJack_X
May make my PSN experience slightly better.
Is it better than the wii?
Kinect is bloody awful unless you're playing with girls and/ or alcohol. Developers are not using it wisely yet. Just heard Fifa 13 will use Kinect though.
Wii U is out in a year I think. Nintendo finally go HD!
2) Fifa has -always- been better than Pro Evo
These are two things that people who know nothing about games say.
I own both consoles and have been a gamer for 15 years plus.
I have owned all playstation and XBox consoles, I like them equally and I mean that honestly.
XBOX live is not worth the price just for party chat, the Online just isn't that much better that a charge charge can be seen as fair.
The controller layouts are almost identical.
XBOX has the wider range of games, and the ones designed for XBOX are usually better than the PS3 exclusives.
Plus is it just me who think PS3 controllers are to small!
I believe that you can run Sky Go on an xBox but not on a PS3, but once you have some games, and their corresponding saves I guess you tend to stick with what you have.
ps3 has a built in bluray player and free online services.
personally i think xbox is better but you will prob pay a little more over time with xbox because the online service is kinda pricey...
Got the 360 because everyone has, anyone who did have a ps3 has switched over as well
Party chat pretty much single handedly makes it better than the PS3
Used to proper hate xbox's as well, till I got mine, cant get used to PS3 controllers anymore either. Miss the GT series.
If you have no friends, might as well PS3 it
I also don't have girl hands, so find the ps3 controller a bit of a pain.
A) What your friends use - if all your mates use xbox you'll probably get more fun outta that, if they have ps3, probably that.
I prefer 360 though as i believe the onlines better (yes even though you have to pay) and it runs better, and as much as every PS3 fanboy says that xbox live is "full of 12 year olds" its bullshit. You get a perfectly even spread on one as the other.
Had a PS3, it went kaput about a year ago, yet to repair it, haven't missed it much, don't think I could find the time nowadays to play a game properly either.
I'm not sure whether that's a sad thing or I've finally got a life.
Once I have £80 spare I may repair it.