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If CL took over from FIFA - what changes would we make?



  • I guarantee that within a fortnight of the first ref doing this, mobbing the ref would be a thing of the past.
  • Serious suggestion (apologies): no more totting up yellows and reds. Yellow card is 15 minutes in a sin bin. Red card still means a sending off, but has no other effect. No more 2 Yellows = a Red. The offences which result in a Red would have to be carefully defined, obviously.
    I agree with the sin bin idea - it means that the team whcih was sinned against gets the benefit of the yellow card.

    Few problems though - what happens if you get a yellow in the last 15 minues of the game? Or a red near the end? With no ban in the future there's not so much incentive to avoid a red.

  • If the yellow/red happens with >5 minutes of regular time left, then 1 additional player goes into the sin-bin, if <5 minutes left then 2 extra players go into the sin bin.

    So if a player is sent off in the last minute, he would go, and 2 of his team mates would go into the sin-bin
  • Good points Jints and good ideas randy - it obviously needs more work - over to you Step Ladder (as Hugh Dennis calls him).
  • points for every goal you score, then you always have something to play for even if you are 7-0 down
  • If the yellow/red happens with >5 minutes of regular time left, then 1 additional player goes into the sin-bin, if <5 minutes left then 2 extra players go into the sin bin.

    So if a player is sent off in the last minute, he would go, and 2 of his team mates would go into the sin-bin</p>
    For this to work, you'd need to also bring in the independant clock keepers, as imagine how much time would be wasted sorting out who comes off, and you'd need to scrap the law where a game is abandonned when a team has less than 7 players on the pitch.

    Too much hassle?

    Quiet like the idea of bonus point for 4 or more goals

    Would also like the law enforced re dissent, which chasing after the ref surely is? The poster who but red card for effing and blinding, that already is in the laws.

    Mostly what I'd like to see is a return of the fair robust challenge, so that player's don't immediately fall to the floor the moment they are touched by an opponent. I'm not talking about diving (also needs clamping down on), but those unneccessary free kicks given on the half way line.
  • To be fair I wasn't totally serious, as I can see the time taken to sort out who goes off, etc. being terrible, though the TV companies might like it, squeeze in a quick ad break.

    Personally I do like the idea of a sin-bin, but what to do about un-served sin-bin time is the big question. Does it roll over to another game, or result in a ban, or what?
  • I would address time wasting to ensure it is stopped. Maybe a yellow card by default if a player takes longer than necessary for a specific task. I.e. if a Goalkeeper takes more than 20 seconds to take a goal kick then he gets a mandatory yellow. Soon this would stop. The same for throw-ins; the same for free kicks. Also I'd force a substitution if the same player rolls on the ground twice (maybe three times) in a game. If there are no subs left then they play one short.

    I'd also red card any and all players that verbally disagree with a referee's decision. If this causes the game to be abandoned for less than 8 players on a side the team are docked three points and the other team are awarded a three nil win. Again, this would soon stop it from happening.

    I'd also change the rules about suspensions for red and yellow cards in the major tournaments. I think it robs the public of the best players in the biggest games if they are suspended. If you are sent off in a game then your team plays one short. If that is not enough punishment then so be it.

    I think I would also be more aggressive with punishing teams with points deductions if they break rules. Fining managers half a weeks pay three times a season makes no difference. If Man Utd lost points every time Ferguson foul mouthed a referee he would soon stop. You could deduct one point for the first offence in a season, two for the second offence and three points for all other offences. If he does it in a cup competition the club are removed from the competition.

    I'd also insist that any players that fails to turn up for an International would be ineligible for the same number of club games that they miss for their country. I think I'd also apply this to players that choose to retire from international football. Every time their country plays they will have to miss the same number of club games. Thus if England play four friendlies and six games in a summer tournament then a Liverpool player that is English and has refused to play for his country misses the first ten games of the season.

    I'd also insist that all international managers are (or were) eligible to play for the nation they are managing.
  • If Charlton players were carded for taking too long over throw-ins we'd be in trouble!

    Not a rule change but make the African Cup of Nations fall in line with the rest of the world: outside the main season and every four years.
  • Surely it is up to an individual if they want to play for their country or not. And what if they say they are injured, as many do.
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  • I'd make sure all the backhanders ended up in my back pocket.
  • I'd change qualification for the world cup to a points system based on best results over a four year period.

  • Automatic booking if you charge after the referee. Like rugby the captains should be the one to deal with the referee, unless the referee wants to talk to you. When a foul is committed the only people who have any right to be there "discussing" with the ref are those directly involved in the tackle and possibly the captains, anybody else who tries to get involved is booked.
    agree with this
    Definitely this and perhaps the introduction of more robots.

  • Surely it is up to an individual if they want to play for their country or not. And what if they say they are injured, as many do.
    The injured issue would be covered by them having to miss as many club games as they miss for thheir country.
  • Team finishing bottom of a league is relegated by two divisions; team finishing top is promoted by two divisions. Therefore Charlton to swap places with Wolves for next season.
  • Surely it is up to an individual if they want to play for their country or not. And what if they say they are injured, as many do.
    The injured issue would be covered by them having to miss as many club games as they miss for thheir country.
    So if a player is injured at the end of the season you t hink he should be punished by not being able to play at the start of the season? Seems madness to me.
  • when does the football season start...
  • Bring back terracing and drinking in the stands. Also grounds must have a smoking area!
  • clubs only to be allowed to loan out a maximum of 5 players at any time.
    hopefully then talented youngsters would get 1st team football earlier in their career, lower down the football pyramid.
  • Each team are allowed a challenge each half to an important referring decision or error, for it to be reviewed by the 4th referee. A cross between the rugby and tennis system. If the 4th referee supports the challenge, you keep the challenge.

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  • 6 subs but the extra subs have to be home grown / come though the youth system.
  • Surely it is up to an individual if they want to play for their country or not. And what if they say they are injured, as many do.
    The injured issue would be covered by them having to miss as many club games as they miss for thheir country.
    So if a player is injured at the end of the season you t hink he should be punished by not being able to play at the start of the season? Seems madness to me.
    What I'm trying to prevent is players missing international games when they are saving themselves for their clubs.

    I am aware of the down sides, but this is, genuinely, what I was suggesting. If you miss one international game then you miss a club game.
  • Rolling subs for blood injuries/players being bandaged up. Has to be an under 21 who has been at the club for 3 years or more.

    7 subs on bench, 3 of which must be homegrown and under 21.

    Each half cut down to 40 minutes, clock stops for major incidents like bad injuries, sending offs, subs.

    Stricter rules on diving, time wasting and feigning injury. Sending off for anyone who waves an imaginary card or tries to influence a referees decision in any way. Similar rules for players who get in the officials faces.

    4 points for a win, 2 for a draw of 4 goals or more, 1 for a 1-1 draw, no points for a 0-0, extra point for 4 or more goals scored in one game.

    Footballs to be made heavier by 100 grams, less influence by major sporting companies on making a ball that dips and swerves. The heavier ball will also increase emphasis on close control and will be harder to hoof.

    Goal line technology to be used, alongside a review system, only the manager can ask for something to be reviewed, and can only be reviewed on a dead ball situation, so if Team A has a shot that bounces just past the goal line but is not given, and TEAM B go up the other end and score, you can ask to review it. If the goal is then given, TEAM A will get a goal and TEAM B's goal will be scrubbed from the records. The same would apply to fouls, cards etc. if they happen after an incident that was originally missed
  • I'd make sure all the backhanders ended up in my back pocket.
    That is not technically a change as it is what probably happens now -allegedly!

  • Team finishing bottom of a league is relegated by two divisions; team finishing top is promoted by two divisions. Therefore Charlton to swap places with Wolves for next season.
    I think it would be an interesting addition to the play offs if the winners of league one substituted the 6th placed team in the Championship play offs. It could be argued that it is fair for the team who comes third but could also throw up some shocks. Will never happen though lol

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