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Computer question

I fell out with Explorer a while ago and changed to Mozilla, however it takes an age to open the browser. I think it ties in with loading I-Tunes but can't be positive - any ideas anyone?


  • Google chrome?
  • Google Chrome is very fast and good
  • Google chrome has now surpassed IE as the most widely used web browser. It takes up a very small amount of space on your hard drive and is very fast. It also has "extensions" which is the same as Mozilla's add ons, get ad block +, gets rid of ads even on youtube!
  • I use Chrome and Firefox. I find Chrome very easy. I don't use IE at all.
  • Thanks People, I'll give Chrome a try and let you know.
  • Thanks everyone - so far so good. Opened in about 3 seconds this morning as opposed to at least 90 otherwise.
  • Firefox opens slowly for me as well. Probably down to two things:
    1, I have cache turned off.
    2, Virgin media security software.
  • Just a general note: if you are using IE 7 or older, you're going to have a bad time.

    With this site in particular, there will be far more quirks with IE then all other browsers.

    Google Chrome is not a bad choice, neither FireFox or Opera.
    Google chrome has now surpassed IE as the most widely used web browser.
    Depends on how you count, or determine that. The company that publicised that "fact" counts in a totally different way than the other companies measuring these things. But it's only a matter of time if trends continue, so you're not really wrong of course. Chrome is taking the lead: Oh Google, think of all that data you'll be getting!

    Be careful of Googlers bearing gifts!

  • The problem with Chrome is that a number of large companies don't seem to support it - the banks being amongst them. This leads me to needing to keep IE as well. Thus I need to have two browsers at all times, which is a pain.

    What's eve worse is that some of these banks haven't even upgraded their websites to IE9 yet, so I'm stuck with having to have IE8 on my work machine.
  • Just a quickie guys was advised by a computer geek several months ago after having all sorts of issues with ie and firefox to use maxthon 3 and to be honest I've never looked back it's quick and simple!
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