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Things that make you shout at the radio

I'll warm up with:

1. People talking about "UK plc".

2. Interviewers not letting interviewees get a word in edgeways.

3. Alan Green.


  • The lack of rigour in questioning politicians and other so called experts.

    Rudely interrupting answers from time to time is no substitute in my opinion.
  • whos that really really annoying northern bird that does radio 1? think she does the BBC Glasto coverage as well.

    i f******g hate her.
  • LenGlover said:

    The lack of rigour in questioning politicians and other so called experts.

    Rudely interrupting answers from time to time is no substitute in my opinion.

    I'd say that politicians get too hard a time, with interviewers trying too hard to go Paxman on their arses. I'd like to see more dialogue less confrontation. But then I can't listen to Any Questions or watch Question Time any more because nobody (media, public, politicians) wants to think or learn, they just want to score points or SHOUT LOUNDLY.

    Spokespeople for charities get way too easy a time. It is wrongly assumed that they don't have an agenda.

  • The Archers - it's a bloody soap opera it should be on E4 or some such, not clogging R4.
  • Stig said:

    The Archers - it's a bloody soap opera it should be on E4 or some such, not clogging R4.

    Hell yeah. That theme tune sets ouff a Pavlovian lunge for the off switch with me.

    It's like listening to a really boring conversation on the train

  • Chris Evans crashing the intro and end of every single effing record. The final straw was him burbleing over the intro to Fanfare For The Common Man. Pointless even playing it if that's what you plan on doing!
  • bad reception!
  • John Humphries he is just the sort of chippy little git I really dislike
    Nicky Campbell who is the biggest interruptor of all, boy does that man like the sound of his own voice!
  • Sponsored links:

  • James O'brien, LBC
  • I can't listen to Radio 1 without shouting, it's awful. The other day Fearne Cotton interviewed Kim Kardashian,it was the most pointless drivel I've ever heard.
  • whos that really really annoying northern bird that does radio 1? think she does the BBC Glasto coverage as well.

    i f******g hate her.

    Edith Bowman, Sara Cox?....
  • sara cox thats it. shes a mug.
  • And while we are at it Fearne bloody Cotton
  • When they get 3rd person wrong with who's on heart
  • Agree on Sara Cox, can't stand her, she sounds like she's off her face on something most of the time.
  • Richard Bacon , smug & thinks he knows it all.
  • Anyone on Radio 1 to be honest but especially Fearne Cotton. I'm out of the loop with "new music" because I can't stand any presenter.

    LBC also makes my blood boil, might as well rename that the "One view accepted only Daily Mail FM".

    Stick to Absolute in the mornings, makes me laugh.
  • Interview questions that only give the interviewee the option to answer yes or no.
    Alan Green (actually I don't shout at the wireless when he is on, I change channel).
  • Sponsored links:

  • Any radio show that spend half their time slot talking about Twitter, tweets, and what their individual Twitter addresses are.

  • Irish guy on 5 Live Stephen Nolan I think his name is gets on my nerves, and some of the people on the breakfast phone in make me want to end it all.
  • edited July 2012
    "it's Broad, in to bowl to's an edge and he' for radio 4 listeners we're off to the shipping forecast.........dogger bank cyclonic 6.00........ and back to the test........who'd believe it. a hatrick for broad and then the same in the next over for anderson"
  • "What you up to? Hit us up on facebook and twitter and let us know". Why? Why do you as the DJ care? Why do I care? And why does 'Nicola, who's doing Science homework in the garden' care that a load of random strangers now know what she's doing with her life? Cannot get my head around it.
  • DJs that make (obvious) observational comments that they think are funny and then relay them to the listeners (the afternoon Absolute DJ is a best at this but is followed closely by Pete/Geoff/whatshisname who has been on there for ages).

    DJs that love every tune they play.

  • JaShea99 said:

    "What you up to? Hit us up on facebook and twitter and let us know". Why? Why do you as the DJ care? Why do I care? And why does 'Nicola, who's doing Science homework in the garden' care that a load of random strangers now know what she's doing with her life? Cannot get my head around it.

    It's called pure lazyness and not having enough prep done for your show. The DJ doesn't care at all, all he/she cares about is that they have filled another 45 second link without having to think......and if Nicola does text in to say she is doing her homework you have enough filler for another 45 second link 15 minutes later.

    Chris Moyles gets a lot of grief for being a loud mouth etc but his ability to create 15 entertaining hours of mainly speech radio every week is incredible. I'll be sad when he leaves Radio 1 breakfast (I'll know i'll be in the minority on here thinking that)

  • Classic FM. Playing music such as the Superman and Star Wars themes and calling it classical. Their main output is the same 'popular' light classical pieces played every day but in a different order to the day before. Oh, and the reverential way each presenter states 'THIS is Classic FM!' Mrs. M has it on every day as background music as she slogs over a hot keyboard so I'm not allowed to change it.
  • Problem is Dan, as you well know. How much radio in the UK is scripted now. All the twitter/Facebook stuff comes from the marketing team who are desperate for statistics to show potential advertisers who is listening.

    Gone are the days of when you can have someone like Kenny Everitt on the airwaves. They can't be controlled!

    Radio is frankly crap in the uk and local radio is dying a painful, slow death.
  • You are right Dave, the commercial radio companies have all but killed local radio in the UK.....sad times.
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