the wife of the 40 year old rower (can't remember his name) was on the radio this morning. he retired for about 8 years before deciding to get back into it. He and his brothers won the pairs rowing years ago. what an achievement. Well done boys!
the wife of the 40 year old rower (can't remember his name) was on the radio this morning. he retired for about 8 years before deciding to get back into it. He and his brothers won the pairs rowing years ago. what an achievement. Well done boys!
Greg Searle....
He and his brother Jonny against the Abignale brothers who were Olympic and World champs at the time.
The cox in the clip below is Garry Herbert, commentator today.
That was an awesome race Sooze - hats off to the Saffers who were fantastic. Brits also - I just think South Africa had a little bit more in the tank during their surge at the end.
Kath has been the catalyst that has seen British sculling dragged from the 'B' final also rans for years to World & Olympic medalists in doubles & quads - perhaps Anna can make the break-through in singles IF Katherine retires.
Daughter of a crewmate of mine goes for Gold tomorrow, Sophie Hosking. Dave won gold at World Champs in 80's and has rowed the Atlantic race. C'mon Sophie & Kat!!!!
He and his brother Jonny against the Abignale brothers who were Olympic and World champs at the time.
The cox in the clip below is Garry Herbert, commentator today.
Shame couldnt stay for the mens but wow what a start to the day
Now Women in the 8's in the near idea of our chances - GO ON GIRLS!!!!!!
The whole of GB wants you to do this
Well done girls, superb.
Even the presenters are crying lol
Daughter of a crewmate of mine goes for Gold tomorrow, Sophie Hosking. Dave won gold at World Champs in 80's and has rowed the Atlantic race. C'mon Sophie & Kat!!!!