Many thanks to the 58 Lifers who gave marks, which is a high participation for a small crowd. The Stats are minimal as it is he first game and there is no comparison, I should have asked for a mark for Pritchard as he completed over 30 minutes but I didn't allow for penalty time.
If the pdf file doesn't show it can be found at:"

Having posted this I am unable to open the file so shall ask Lookout & Afka for help
Sorry, for nitpicking....
But BWP and JJ came on for the 2nd half of extra time so just 15 mins plus a couple for injury time. Surely you can't include the time it takes for penalties ?
Also, Green hit the woodwork twice and BWP had at least one shot on target.
Wagstaff scored didn't he or are you putting that as an OG ?
Thought Taylor had a shot he blazed over as well.
979 Orient there as well.
Sorry !
I did include the penalty time as it is part of the match, but I didn't include the results from the penalties, inconsistent I know but that is what I decided.
I was not at the match and I could not find a match report on the OS so I have had to reply on the official Football League stats for shots, assists misses and woodwork hitting
Yes Waggy scored and I thought that I had included it but obviously didn't, I have amended my copy, as for OG's we have never had one since I started doing this and I have nowhere to show it, have to think about that one for the future.
Thanks for the away figure.
HW (hit the woodwork) -according to the BBC we had 5 shots on target and 14 off, according to the individual player breakdown on the Football league site it adds up to 5 on, 14 off, 1 HW, which of course doesn't make sense.
Unfortunately I do not have the time or the inclination to watch a video of the complete match and so we will all have to put up with the inconsistencies of the "official" stats except Assists which I will try to work out from being at some matches, video and OS match reports.