When it comes to advertising, I'm a real cynic and find most ads mildly irritating. However, I'm finding this Paralympic ad genuinely inspiring. I saw the full (longer than on TV) version at the cinema tonight and everything about it is brilliant. The music is ideally pitched, the ad addresses some of the reasons why some of the athletes are Paralympians and through this it's genuinely thought provoking. There is demonstration of enormous skill, determination, talent and power. I find myself filling with admiration and swelling with pride at these people I've never met. And to top it off, the Tagline 'Meet the Superhumans' is just inspired.
Possibly the best ad ever.
Just thought I'd share that.
I think it's a great bit of advertising and gets me really excited for the Paralympics. Also I love the Posters around London with the tagline " thanks for the warm up". Well done Channel 4 hopefully the broadcasting lives up to the hype building.
Got my tickets for the 5th sept and after watching that I cannot wait to go!
I do agree that if they play it too much it could end up losing all its appeal though, which would be a pity.
Heard her being interviewed a day or two back...Says her little son will be in the stands with a banner saying something like "Come on Mum" so she's going to be so up for it....she can hardly wait!
You betcha young lady....you betcha.