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    great picture.
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    edited October 2012
    Just got in. Lovely evening, nice venue to for the meet.

    I've never met the man before, and I whole heartedly agree that he is someone special. The manner to which he conducts himself is spot on. Like k.h.a has said, We need to keep hold of this man as he will take us to the promise land and maybe full fill the dreams of Every charlton supporter with his achievements.

    The questions were fairly easy for him, none of the boardroom politics was brought up, as It's already been said on here that those 'kind' of questions would of been frowned upon.

    He did say the standard of refereeing has been pretty dire in the championship. He's been disappointed with that. He said the linesman did come to him after the palace game and apologised for disallowing BWP's legit goal.

    Other points were he felt that his management team and himself have also had to made big adjustments in there preparation compared to last season where he would put a team out and the oppo would have to try and beat us. This season It's a lot more tactical, and there learning curve has been steeper than he imagined it would of been.

    For those that have asked about Andy Hughes on here in the past, he said although he has not featured on the pitch as much as he liked, he has been a valuable player behind the scenes in the dressing room, and he had a big part of us winning promotion last season even though he hardly played. He (andy) is a real character around the club.

    HE loves Yann, he thinks there are not many defenders in the Championship that can handle him. He said he is a completely different person to the one at Leicester, and when he comes back from Injury, it will be like getting a new signing, he rates him that highly.

    He believes in this team completely, and with the Blackpool result, he hopes that the team now has that belief that they can match, and beat 'premiership' quality teams and their players.

    Ricardo is a big signing for us, It goes without saying really, but he said although we got him on a free, and he isn't on the same wages as he was at stoke, the owner has put his hand in his pocket considerably to get him to the club. He is a leader on and off the pitch and has bought into the ethos and togetherness that CP introduced last season. He expects us to see more of what he can do as the season progresses.

    That's all I can recall for now, I really enjoyed the evening, and it was lovely to see @stilladdicted (annie) and her husband again, when i met them at the Hartlepool game last season.

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    Thanks for that,good read.
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    Sorry for winning the raffle first prize @stilladdicted! I'm just a lucky bugger!
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    Cheers ozaddick
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    cheers ... don't you just love SCP
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    Thank you for the report.
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    ozaddick said:

    Sorry for winning the raffle first prize @stilladdicted! I'm just a lucky bugger!

    what did you win?
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    Badger said:

    ozaddick said:

    Sorry for winning the raffle first prize @stilladdicted! I'm just a lucky bugger!

    what did you win?
    New Chief Exec job

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    Signed champions poster, I'm very pleased!!
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    shirty5 said:

    Badger said:

    ozaddick said:

    Sorry for winning the raffle first prize @stilladdicted! I'm just a lucky bugger!

    what did you win?
    New Chief Exec job

    No thanks! Poisoned Chalice!
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    cheers ... don't you just love SCP

    I do. A true gent.

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    We at Ashford and Shepway Addicks would like to thank Chris again for coming down last night and answering some excellent questions with some equally excellent (and often humorous) responses. He took an hour in the interval, and more after the meeting ended, chatting to fans, signing autographs and posing for photos which was fantastic.

    We would also like to thank all of those that attended for making the meeting so successful.
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    CP also answered a question regarding holding onto the likes of Solly and Stephens in the January window. As expected he wants to hold on to them.
    He Loves Solly to bits, said he comes in does his work without any fuss, and Is a real pleasure to work with, unlike some others he said!

    He also said Solly could play anywhere on the Park, he's that kind of player, in answer to a question regarding playing Solly at left back instead of keeping him on the right side, he said he could play centre mid or even up front! You could tell how much he admires and respects Solly.

    He said the Stephens bid by villa was completely out of the blue. He was expecting interest for Solly and Wiggins, even Yann I think he said, but the Stephens bid came as a real surprise. He feels villa may come back in for him in January, and because of the interest shown by Villa, other clubs would now be monitoring him too.

    He would like to strengthen again in the window. One of the reasons for a 'slow' summer of transfers for us was that he would be given a price for a player, wages etc, and then he'd take that to the board telling them who he wanted and how much It was going to cost them. When the target's agent was contacted again, the goal posts had moved and the price had jumped. They just priced them out of Charlton's budget. He said we will not go down the path of previous regime's and put the clubs financial situation in the mire just to sign certain players.
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    I hope its ok to copy and paste your comments from last night for the Addicks downunder forum so the fella's back there are kept in the loop with all of this.
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    Thanks for the updates guys - and congrats on what sounds like a great evening.
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    Cheers Oz.
    Interesting comments about new players,budget and board. Doesn't sound like the words of a fella that has just had the rug pulled from under him, as some in here had assumed.
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    This is OZ displaying his raffle prize, and then he had the nerve to win 2 more! (but he did refuse them)
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    Great prize, I want one!
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    Sounds like a great get together. Thanks for the summaries lads/lasses.
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    Well done to all concerned and 2 lovely pics to boot !

    For those who were unable to make this event, I'm pleased to announce that SCP will be the guest of NWKA at a new venue especially chosen for this evening- Dartford Football Club- where there are NO negative vibes for a visting Charlton Manager....

    It will take place on Thursday 22nd November so please make sure you keep this date free- further details to be announced in the next week.
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    This is OZ displaying his raffle prize, and then he had the nerve to win 2 more! (but he did refuse them)

    Thank you annie!! A lovely Picture!

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    maybe Chris is playing things close to his chest ... but ... it doesn't sound like he's experiencing any problems with the board

    great feedback by the way, thanks everyone
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    Sounds like a great night and a real coup for Ashford Supporters club
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