The recent change in name and logo for the now Royal Borough of Greenwich reminded me of the brief time when Charlton used the Borough's arms as its badge.
The badge never appeared on the players' shirts but there were certainly cloth blazer badges as this example, once owned by Gordan Jago, show.
The experiment was short lived as Greenwich merged with Woolwich in 1965, the new borough adopted a new logo and Charlton creating the sword in hand badge that we still have, in a slightly different version, to this day. I'd still prefer this original but with Addicks replacing Valiants.
Charlton had used other logos that never got close to a players shirt such as the Three Robins badge from the 1950s. This is taken from a cotton pennant. There is an enamel badge version that I'm still to find so have a look in that old box of Charlton stuff. I'm sure we can agree a price.

I do have one of those enamel valiants badges - in fact two different versions. How do you post photos?
If have the pic on your PC click on attach file below the text box and then go to the pic and open it.
It should then appear below the text. Then click on insert to get the big version.
I did have one of those CASC badges at the top of the picture and wore it when I went to Old Trafford in the League Cup (lost 5-1). A copper spotted the badge before I went into the Stretford end and advised me to take it off. I was surprised that he could recognise that it was a Charlton badge.
The one on the left is an early 80s version, the righthand one is 60s.
There is also a version of the 80s badge with a red outer which is hard to find.
I nabbed these pics from ebay the other day. I thought they might shed some light on Henry's three robins pennant. Or perhaps they just muddy the waters a bit more.
The Arsenal one looks very similar and the Palace one is obviously from the same manufacturer. Not sure why they've gone for the North Korean look; I guess it's too difficult to draw a big greenhouse, so the designer thought oh we'll bung any old crap on their one - they'll never notice.
My first thought would have been therefore that none of these were official products and that the badges were perhaps different to avoid any copyright issues. I then took a second look at the Palace one and noticed something that's not on the others. It says, "Supporters Club", which quite surprised me. I don't know what it means other than that we have strange neighbours; I'd have thought that a proper supporters club would have wanted something more closely linked to their club.
The plot thickens