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Father Mistakes Son For Burglar And Kills Him



  • 'No charges have been brought against Mr Giuliano over the boy's death'. Does that surprise anyone else? He shot and killed someone.
  • It says the boy had a mask on and a knife in his hand so on the face of it it's justifiable.
  • edited October 2012
    I feell terrible for the father. What the hell was that boy thinking though? Dressed in black with a ski mask and carrying a knife, what did he think would happen in the good ol' US of A? It would have been no different (for him) if the woman had called the police instead of her brother.
  • Tragic. Another victim of the "right to bear arms". Tighter gun control/legislation would have made it harder/maybe impossibe for the father to own a gun.
  • Rizzo said:

    I feell terrible for the father. What the hell was that boy thinking though? Dressed in black with a ski mask and carrying a knife, what did he think would happen in the good ol' US of A? It would have been no different (for him) if the woman had called the police instead of her brother.

    Its not just a case of him carrying a knife it says he lunged at his dad as well.

    Only in America
  • Tragic. Another victim of the "right to bear arms". Tighter gun control/legislation would have made it harder/maybe impossibe for the father to own a gun.

    guns don't fire themselves, if he didnt have a gun he would have found something else to hurt him with.

  • Tragic. Another victim of the "right to bear arms". Tighter gun control/legislation would have made it harder/maybe impossibe for the father to own a gun.

    guns don't fire themselves, if he didnt have a gun he would have found something else to hurt him with.

    His son is unlikely to be dead as a result of that though.

  • Who knows what would have happened but I don't see why the majority of the law abiding gun owners should be punished for the action of a few.
  • Rizzo said:

    Tragic. Another victim of the "right to bear arms". Tighter gun control/legislation would have made it harder/maybe impossibe for the father to own a gun.

    guns don't fire themselves, if he didnt have a gun he would have found something else to hurt him with.

    His son is unlikely to be dead as a result of that though.

    But then Americans will argue (and difficult to argue in this case on the face of it) that if the father didn't have a gun and the son had been a burglar, or even has just flipped and attacked him, then the father could be dead.

  • The Father could be though!
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  • Arguments over US gun ownership are kind of pointless now. Simply put the genie is already out of the bottle. There are so many guns in circulation that even if every law abiding citizen in the US renounced guns tomorrow (never ever going to happen) it would still be ridiculously easy for any criminal to get hold of a gun.

    And unfortunately, with the size of the gun owning population there is always going to be a sizable minority who can't use guns, or make mistakes, are who's kids find their gun, etc.

    What America really needs to do is increase the training requirements for gun ownership, but the same could be said of their car owners too.
  • Arguments over US gun ownership are kind of pointless now. Simply put the genie is already out of the bottle. There are so many guns in circulation that even if every law abiding citizen in the US renounced guns tomorrow (never ever going to happen) it would still be ridiculously easy for any criminal to get hold of a gun.

    And unfortunately, with the size of the gun owning population there is always going to be a sizable minority who can't use guns, or make mistakes, are who's kids find their gun, etc.

    What America really needs to do is increase the training requirements for gun ownership, but the same could be said of their car owners too.

    Agree in part. The US will always have a massive Gun culture, that will never change.
    Playing Devils advocate for a minute. To look at it from a different angle, I have a mate who moved out to Florida, he is a green keeper on 2 Golf courses. He reckons that they do not have road rage, this is because, if you get out of your car, open the other drivers door to 'have a word' with them they are entitled to shoot you! Same go's for bars, he has never seen a fight inside or outside a bar, they are two scared in case the other guy pulls a gun!

    In our country we have some of the tightest gun laws with the exception of Japan and a couple of others, but I have been told that it is estimated that we have more illegal guns in circulation than any other country in Europe, and that in ten years our Police could well be armed.
  • I just don't understand America.
  • Perhaps the kid was trying to rob his sister thinking that they would never suspect him?
  • edited October 2012
    Obviously there is more here than meets the eye. The son dressed as a burglar, carrying a knife approching the house of his aunt.There are plenty of f***ed up young people in America. The real story here will come out in time. However, what a tragedy for any family
  • I remember a case some years back where a gang fight left 4 injured and one dead. All the injured were shot, the one that died was stabbed. I believe statistics say you are more likely to die from a knifewound than a bullet. Feel free to shoot me down in flames on this one.
  • I remember a case some years back where a gang fight left 4 injured and one dead. All the injured were shot, the one that died was stabbed. I believe statistics say you are more likely to die from a knifewound than a bullet. Feel free to shoot me down in flames on this one.

    I'm not going to shoot you down in flames but I might stab yer :-)

  • I remember a case some years back where a gang fight left 4 injured and one dead. All the injured were shot, the one that died was stabbed. I believe statistics say you are more likely to die from a knifewound than a bullet. Feel free to shoot me down in flames on this one.

    A stabbing is more up close and personal, more scope to place your knife just so
    .. when all's said, it really depends on the calibre of the bullet and where it hits, vis a viz the sharpness & length of the knife and the force the knifeman uses in the stabbing
  • Americans are gun nuts. They go on and on about the 1st amendment.
    So even though a sad story, I have no sympathy for the dad.
    I bet he had the chance to tell his son to put his hands up, but just blasted away in a panic.
    It happens all the time over there.
    Just glad we don't have many guns. I wish it was none.
  • edited October 2012
    Son lunges at dad with knife...his dad didn't mistake him for a burglar, sounds like he WAS a burglar, with intent.

    There's nothing says you can't shoot a member of your own family in self-defence. I mean, that's the right these brave gun-promoters have fought tooth and nail to protect all these years.
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  • edited October 2012
    ...and another thing. I wonder if the first-amendment supporters feel that the right to bear arms should apply to, for instance, street homeless, or whether it's only property-owners that can have guns?
  • The Sky video's last & only comment made by a guy with the word 'Save' on his T-shirt :

    'Sounds like you know a big mistake'
  • edited October 2012
    There's nothing says you can't shoot a member of your own family in self-defence.

    Ironically youre more likely to be killed by a family member than a stranger.

  • Society gets what it deserves when it allows everyone to have a gun.
    Before people go mental I mean society as a whole not innocent victims.
  • But it's not just about gun ownership. Switzerland has the highest percentage of gun ownership in the world. Having no standing army every male of adult age is required to be part of the people militia. However, they all also get trained in the proper use of the guns they are legally required to own. As I said above, it's not just the guns that is the problem, it's the fact that the majority have no idea how to store, secure or use them properly and responsibly, combined with a legal framework that almost promotes a shoot first ask questions later state of mind. The way the law is over there you are better off killing a burglar, because if you just seriously injure them then there's a chance you could end up paying for their treatment.
  • But it's not just about gun ownership. Switzerland has the highest percentage of gun ownership in the world. Having no standing army every male of adult age is required to be part of the people militia. However, they all also get trained in the proper use of the guns they are legally required to own. As I said above, it's not just the guns that is the problem, it's the fact that the majority have no idea how to store, secure or use them properly and responsibly, combined with a legal framework that almost promotes a shoot first ask questions later state of mind. The way the law is over there you are better off killing a burglar, because if you just seriously injure them then there's a chance you could end up paying for their treatment.

    Fantastic points.
  • But it's not just about gun ownership. Switzerland has the highest percentage of gun ownership in the world. Having no standing army every male of adult age is required to be part of the people militia. However, they all also get trained in the proper use of the guns they are legally required to own. As I said above, it's not just the guns that is the problem, it's the fact that the majority have no idea how to store, secure or use them properly and responsibly, combined with a legal framework that almost promotes a shoot first ask questions later state of mind. The way the law is over there you are better off killing a burglar, because if you just seriously injure them then there's a chance you could end up paying for their treatment.

    Michael Moore's "Bowling for Colombine" is well worth watching for an interesting take on gun ownership. The comparison on gun crime between an American city and a Canadian city, separated only by the width of a river and both with no gun control laws is quite shocking.

  •'s not just the guns that is the problem, it's the fact that the majority have no idea how to store, secure or use them properly and responsibly, combined with a legal framework that almost promotes a shoot first ask questions later state of mind...

    Guns don't kill people, rappers do ;-)
  • Very very odd story, must be more to this than meets the eye.
  • I work for an American company based in Tennessee but I have to say the area is totally safe in terms of petty crimes like car theft, burglary and even street crime. I thought this was down to everyone owning guns but I was surprised when asking people that very few actually owned a gun (one of my colleagues freely admits he would probably injure himself trying to fire it) so I can only assume it is the implied threat i.e. any criminal doesn't know who has a gun and who doesn't. That said I also know people who have small arsenals at their home and have a shoot now ask the questions later policy when it comes to protecting their property and family.
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