In the Serie A the other week Klose scored a goal that was blatant handball and the ref awarded a goal, however Klose approached the ref and admitted handball and also asked for the goal to be chalked off,which it was. What fantastic sportsmanship, its just a shame his team Lazio went on to lose 3-0.
It's like Robbie Savage in reverse.
Mind you I wouldn't expect that too often (sadly)
They'd probably be criticised by their own fasn over here.
He has let his team down and his teams fans down.
The way Henry was castigated on here for play off game with Ireland was a joke.
So you can say 'I'd be annoyed if he did that for us' and still have the right to hate the disgusting little racist diving Suarez prick
where do you stop with accussing them of being cheats?
Players claiming for throw ins they blatantly know touched them on the way out.
get them to ask the ref to change his mind as the oppo nicked the ball away from him, and that it wasn't really a foul?
He was applauded then by fans and the press.
I recall an amazing one with De Rossi at Roma. He scored a goal via some kind of infringement. His concience was obviously niggling him so he went to the ref and asked for it to be chalked off. They were losing at the time.
Dont forget to put Robbie Fowler in the Sportsmanship Hall of Fame.
Against Seaman. Got a penalty, kept telling everyone that it was a penalty, ref didnt listen and then pretty much just passed it to Seaman
I thought he scored. Might well be wrong...