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Words that are .......well just funny



  • Noss said:


    Chin rest
  • Plop




  • Nigel Reo Coker

    Any news?

    Wrong thread.
  • Velour

    Cant say it without sounding like Leslie Philips.
  • Chuff, Tuppence & Hampton.
  • Buffoon


    Spurious - in the context of "It's fake. Spurious. Not real. And it's worth....f*** all"


    Old Bill


  • Chebs,
  • Sponsored links:

  • Bangers ==always make me grin
  • these words were hilarious.

    Hi Guys this is my first post. I was born at number 20 Wilson House on the Springfield estate in October 1956. Our family moved to number 11 Birch Tree House on the Cherry Orchard estate when I was 4 years old. I moved out of Charlton to Woolwich when I was 12 so I have 12 years of childhood spent in Charlton. I went Charlton Manor school and one of my fondest memories was in the infants. There was a teacher named Miss Denyer, and for some strange reason she took a real shine to me. On a cold winter's day she would warm my hands on the radiator, she even bought me a birthday present and made me a costume for the school play. My worst memories was in the juniors at the hands of Mr stead. I have read some posts stating that he was a jolly nice man but that is the people he chose to be nice to. He made my life hell for my last year at that school and to this day I don't know why. For instance, he explained to the class that we all had to be clear of what he was saying before he moved on and we should ask him to repeat if we needed. I asked and was belittled in front of the whole class. On another occasion he whacked me round the head with my geometry book because my lined were too woolly. Another person who was generally feared was Miss Stimpson, what a dragon she was, a very good teacher but her way of going about things was draconial to say the least. I went to Charlton Secondary when I left the Manor. Can't remember too much about the Lombard wall end but Teachers I remember at the upper end were Mr Goodwin the maths teacher, this guy was a caveman lol. When he wasn't shouting at people he would be twisting someone's ear in half. He used to play bridge with the pupils at break times which was good though. Then there was Mr Gorrella, he was another one for bending ears but he listened if you talked to him, I thought he was a good guy. There was Mr Foss, the kids used to walk all over him but he was ok. Mr Hilary was another decent bloke and who could forget Mr Coffee the science teacher. This was one guy you didn't mess with, he was fair but nobody crossed him. He used to run with the Cambridge Harriers I believe, he was always running during the lunch break. Sadly, I have been informed he died a good while ago. I remember a small shop across the road that sold hot pies, very tasty!! When I was there everyone talked about some guy named Gladstone, apparently he was the best fighter in the school, even though I'd never seen him fight! I think he ruled by fear maybe? One day a black guy arrived outside the school from another school and said he wanted to fight the best fighter in the school. He reckoned that he had been around all the other schools and sorted out the best of the best. Now Gladstone was a bit of a big lad, very tall, he towered over this black guy who made a few excuses and left lol. People I remember were Manny Hughes, Paul Lynch, Kier Duvall, Bob Bovet, Keith Brett, Peter (one fight a day) Smith, Danny Hyland, Paul Roberts and so many more I can't remember. Enough for now, I will post some more of my life and times in Charlton another time.
  • Dangle berries.
  • Bought some paint on saturday to decorate the kitchen - the colour was 'clunch'.
    Cumberbatch (Litte Gardener woman on the 1 Show)
    'Saville Probe' - headline on back of Standard yesterday - apparantly the BBC are doing a U turn on one (rightly so in all seriousness) - the mind boggles as to what a 'Saville Probe' might look like.
  • Everything can be 'enhanced' by putting the word 'plug' or 'plunge' on the end of it. Gooch is also a favourite but we've had that.
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  • gunt is up in the top 5, no question. (I've gonna have to log off now - i've opened my nosense library and its cascading....
  • Bludgeon
  • Sphagnum
  • edited October 2012
    In an English lit presentation I had the privilege to present the very short life of 'John Keats'. During which I said out loud and proud that 'Keats was driven by his love for Fanny' (for those unfamiliar with Keats that was his girlfriend, the girl next door) I had the whole class in hysterics and never did live it down, every time I hear the word 'fanny' I giggle now. Cucumber is also a funny word, please don't link the two though.
  • Chunter.
  • Tag Nut. Clinker.
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