I may well give it a bash this year. I said last year I would do it this year and I signed up to the site. Not sure what the missus will say. Our baby is due 25th November and all the photos will be of me with a tash! lol
I am trying to get some interest at work this year.
I used to have a goatee about 15 years ago but when I look back at photos of the time you could only see the moustache portion and I looked like a gay biker - not a great look
I used to have a goatee about 15 years ago but when I look back at photos of the time you could only see the moustache portion and I looked like a gay biker - not a great look
Never had any sort of face fuzz at all due to not being very hairy tbh so at best I'll end up looking like the keyboard player from Sparks :-(
As I expected I ended up looking like Mickey Pearce but it was good fun and we raised over £1000 in our office for a great cause.
I ended up looking a bit like Tom Selleck. Slightly chubbier maybe