Big thanks to the club for the Young Addicks group, it's great that us youngsters can interact with our heroes. The Q and A today was very good, and Ricardo Fuller and Yann Kermorgant were excellent, and we found out some very interesting stuff. Some of the questions were intrusive to say the least

. Wendy Perfect was there, although I thought she was leaving?
I'd guess that Wendy is working her notice.
Sounded some cracking questions !!
One from today proper made me chuckle:
Kid: "Yann, what do you know about football?"
Yann laughs, looks at his watch and says we probably haven't enough time.
Kevin Nolan asks the kid what he knows about football
Kid: "not a lot, that's why I asked the question"
When you say "kid", we're talking about you, aren't we?