So far you've helped to raise £220 towards our Target £2500. I think we need a CL-ometer like they had on Blue Peter
CAFC999 has come up trumps with some more fantastic signed photos
Lot A: Allan Simonsen Montage
Size: 16 x 12 inches (A3)
Paper: Matte photographic paper
Start Price: £50 - Simonsen is very a tough signer and only signed 3 of these. CAFC999 has the others and they will never come up for sale.
Lot B Champions Montage
Size: 16 x 12 inches (A3)
Paper: Matte photographic paper
Signed By: Powell, Haynes, Wagstaff, BWP, Jackson, Yann, Pritchard, Green, Morrison & Hamer
Start Price: £20 (£2 a signature!)
Auction ends next Monday 19th at 5.00pm.
Usual Rules. Please don't bid if you can't or don't intend to pay. Winner collects or pays postage.
Happy bidding.

B: £25
These are really good quality and the pics here just don't do them justice.
Would make great Christmas presents for someone else or yourself.
If you want to raise it by more than £5 a time that is fine too.
Dave, CAFC999 can explain better than me but I understood it as 1. He's not over here very often 2 when he is he's not too keen on signing much stuff.
It would be nice to see your old autographs to compare them to see if they have changed much over the years.
He did this very graciously and shook hands with all of those present before disappearing again. Seemed rather a shy man.
I have coupled these autographs with the free matchday programmes we were given , in which there is the article and photograph of his signing for the Club.
One of these will be auctioned at next Thursday evening's SCP Q & A event at Dartford FC , if anyone is interested....
B £30 Stackitsteve
£95 in total so far. Would be great to top £100 at least.
A £65 Carl Leaburn
B £35 cafckev
Auction ends on Monday