Happens every time absolutely no surprise that a trip to Rome or Naples for an English team features this kind of story. Not enough has been done about it and I don't think enough common sense is adopted by some of those travelling on occasions either (which shouldn't be a burden of responsibility but because of the failings of the Italian authorities it is). Funny how there's never a story about Italian Ultras having a row without knives, bats, chains, etc.
Bit of a generalisation from The Organiser, but they do seem to like a knife over there when it comes to opposing football fans! I'm sure there are plenty of Italians that despise this type of behaviour though.
Landlord Marco Manzi told Sportsmail: ‘The bar was full of about 30 English supporters at 1am. Most of them were aged between 40 and 50 and they were well behaved. Then arrived what I presume were Italian supporters wearing scooter helmets with their faces covered with scarves carrying stones and rocks. They arrived in the pub and they attacked the English supporters. ‘Some of the English supporters tried to escape down via dei cappellari and it was in this street where one of them was hit by a knife. I think he was quite badly hurt but I don’t know anymore about him. The whole operation from start to finish was over in around 10 minutes. Most of the fans left and the police arrived.’
Good to see English supporters abroad being accurately represented for once as well.
Fair enough for changing it but I think everyone knows I meant there football lads.
Just like I'm sure not every Millwall fan is pond life, but you wouldn't know it by looking on here.
Anyway back on point, this happens every time an English club plays there and NOTHING is done about it, yet our press go mad when there is some racial chanting aimed at our players abroad.
Yes racist abuse is terrible but people getting attacked and stabbed is worse.
Its common place in Italy. There were incidences of it in Milan when we were out there for the CL a couple of seasons ago and again when they came back to WHL. Milan's lovely fans were giving us throat-slicing jestures the lot. Have got some lovely video footage of it too, if I can remember where I saved it.
Pretty common place in Italy. Napoli fans are probably even worse than those in Rome
Whenever anyone mentions Napoli fans, I just think of that video on You Tube where about 8,000 of them get off the train and walk through that railway station! You must know the one I mean. Mentalists the lot of 'em.
I was walking through Victoria station last season I think it was, when they played Chelsea and the police literally shut down the whole of the station so that the Napoli supporters could get through the underground.
Huge cultural gap between Italian and English football.
Compare the way the English media react like mad when Jason Roberts decides not to wear a t-shirt to the 12 lines you probably get in an Italian tabloid when some foreign fans get stabbed or a group of supporters are charged with racist chants.
Pretty common place in Italy. Napoli fans are probably even worse than those in Rome
Whenever anyone mentions Napoli fans, I just think of that video on You Tube where about 8,000 of them get off the train and walk through that railway station! You must know the one I mean. Mentalists the lot of 'em.
Just watched that on You Tube....a good turn out indeed.
Hope those injured make a speedy recovery.
like ISLS says they dont seem happy starting things without having all the gear with'em too, shamefull.
‘Some of the English supporters tried to escape down via dei cappellari and it was in this street where one of them was hit by a knife. I think he was quite badly hurt but I don’t know anymore about him. The whole operation from start to finish was over in around 10 minutes. Most of the fans left and the police arrived.’
Good to see English supporters abroad being accurately represented for once as well.
Cowards really,
Always use weapons & go in groups.
hope the blokes that are being reported seriously hurt pull through ok anyway, sounding dodgey at the moment?
but so glad to see the PC brigade on duty and the spelling police
Just like I'm sure not every Millwall fan is pond life, but you wouldn't know it by looking on here.
Anyway back on point, this happens every time an English club plays there and NOTHING is done about it, yet our press go mad when there is some racial chanting aimed at our players abroad.
Yes racist abuse is terrible but people getting attacked and stabbed is worse.
did I touch a nerve though , methinks you protest too much
touched a nerve? Other way round I think with such a witty and insightful response from you.
You went off on one about PC and made yourself look stupid. Live with it.
Absolute nutters the lot of them.
Compare the way the English media react like mad when Jason Roberts decides not to wear a t-shirt to the 12 lines you probably get in an Italian tabloid when some foreign fans get stabbed or a group of supporters are charged with racist chants.