My youngest lad , bless him is banging on about getting an Xbox for Christmas, (peer pressure at school , his mates have got one) i've never had one before , been more of a Sony guy , are they any good , and are there any pitfalls to avoid , good games out at the moment , i'm a bit out of my depth on this one , and trying to persuade him we don't need one , but kids are persistent blighters , any help much appreciated!
Pay 35quid for online (p/y)
Buy Fifa/Cod/BF annually
Sorted till next gen comes out
I do think the XB is value for money online. As an XB fanboy I don't understand why anyone would choose PS3 (apart from Blu Ray). Always struck me as the Ford Escort of gaming. Solid, dependable, loads of people have one, but ultimately, a little bit cheap (in terms of the interface and those horrible, horrible controllers!).
Also, Microsoft are intent on wringing every last bit of tech they can out of it before launching their next gen, so it'll be around for a good while yet.