Trust me, the feeling is more than mutual!. Apart from say Wigan, Watford or Ipswich away, the draw could not have been any worse. a game that will struggle to atract 8000 and one we are likely to lose.
Ah well, maybe we will get an even crack of the whip this time with some decent officials : )
Trust me, the feeling is more than mutual!. Apart from say Wigan, Watford or Ipswich away, the draw could not have been any worse. a game that will struggle to atract 8000 and one we are likely to lose.
Ah well, maybe we will get an even crack of the whip this time with some decent officials : )
Also LBTF, I think it's worth pointing out that I don't think it's anything personal towards Huddersfield and there's no disrespect meant. In fact, judging by recent threads, I think quite a lot of CAFC fans quite like and admire your club. It's just, as you say, it's not an exciting draw and it's a very losable game.
Probably couldn't have been a less interesting draw could it, given we played 'em last week!
We don't do cups anyway
Infact the draw as a whole was pretty drab.
Ah well, maybe we will get an even crack of the whip this time with some decent officials : )