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The Mizen and Knox Families

How they can go through what they have losing their children or brothers in such terrible ways, yet manage to maintain their dignity and devote their energies to such positive projects. I just have so much admiration.

If you ever get the chance to support their respective foundations, their online links are below:


  • Met both families in one of the lounges on Saturday and I can only back up what AFKA said. They are truly inspirational people
  • Was pleased that this got a mention on the Football League Show, but a shame that they didn't explain anything about the backgrounds - whilst the family names and circumstances are well known in South London, this will not be the case nationwide, so it would have been good if Maneesh could have just provided a bit more information. Better than no coverage at all, though.

    Huge admiration for both families in the face of dealing with such loss.
  • I was with Jimmy the day before he died.. Proper nice boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. Tragic.
  • What annoys me is that their killers could be free in twenty years time. Life in prison should mean just that. They've taken someones life so they should be in prison for without ever being let out. The only people with the life sentence are the parents and siblings of Jimmy and Rob knowing they will never see their son or brother ever again.

    Both Colin and Sally Knox and both Barry and Margret Mizen deserve so much recognition and praise for carrying on fighting for safer streets.
  • I agree - this isn't just about punishment, but needs to act as a deterent too. If you carry a knife and kill somebody they should throw away the key.
  • Isn't it ironic that sometimes those with the most reason to hate, are compassionate and turn outwards rather than inwards? There is a lesson there for all of us methinks?
  • edited December 2012
    Until it happens to you (which I hope it happens to no one else In the world) you just dont know how you will cope with changing the jury the anger and the hatred into something positive that allows you to mOve on and continue your own life

    Me I can't imagine a second with out my kids and can't imagine how anyone deals with a loss like that

  • Isn't it ironic that sometimes those with the most reason to hate, are compassionate and turn outwards rather than inwards? There is a lesson there for all of us methinks?

    If you watch the youtube video on the Mizen website and see the way those parents hold themselves, after all they have been put thru, it is different gravy and it brought a lump to my throat and tear to my eye .
    They are a different class and brings back some faith in humanity , to me anyway, that there are genuinely really good people out there , in fact they are very special and definitely the yin to the yang that was there on saturday
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