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From Yesterday's Programme


Charlton are appealing for assistance from supporters to identify those responsible for throwing a flare and a seat from the away end at last weekend's match against Millwall.

The Addicks have already been censured by the Football Association following the lighting of a flare against Bristol City earlier last month, and the letting off of smoke canisters.

Charlton head of operations Mick Everett said: "This is the second time that this has happened and fans should be under no illusions that the club will be punished. We absolutely condemn these actions, and urge anyone who knows those responsible to get in touch with the club in the strictest confidence."

Fans can e mail information to or, or contact either of them at The Valley."...........

Many of the Charlton Life Taliban have pronounced that those of us not there are not allowed an opinion.

However the point I and others have tried to make is that we are all damned by association, regardless of whether we were there or not, and our club is now facing punishment not to mention onerous restrictions on ordinary, decent fans prior to the Millwall home match such as pubs and shops being closed.


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    Jesus Len, "Charlton Life Taliban"?

    Have you learned nothing since your "Nazi" comment a while back?
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    Where pubs open last time, Len?
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    Off_it said:

    Jesus Len, "Charlton Life Taliban"?

    Have you learned nothing since your "Nazi" comment a while back?

    I and others have been told by some that we are not allowed an opinion if we were not present. The evidence is clear in the archives.

    I regard that stance as somewhat draconian and have thus expressed myself accordingly.

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    Bit OTT Len,I think the pubs and shops would have been closed anyway.Setting off the flare was stupid,but the perpetrators will be brought to justice as will the seat destroyer.Let us move on and forget about Millwall until we face them next.
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    The pubs and shops may have been closed anyway but I note nobody has commented on the fact that the Club will be punished which is my main point.
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    edited December 2012
    LenGlover said:

    Off_it said:

    Jesus Len, "Charlton Life Taliban"?

    Have you learned nothing since your "Nazi" comment a while back?

    I and others have been told by some that we are not allowed an opinion if we were not present. The evidence is clear in the archives.

    I regard that stance as somewhat draconian and have thus expressed myself accordingly.

    Well, if you want my opinion, expressing your views in that way makes you saound like a silly old man who loves to over-dramatasie things, but clearly has no real grasp on exactly what the Taliban, or come tot think of it, the Nazi's actually stood for - or just how offensive those analogies can be to some.

    But I don't suppose you care - you're too busy frothing at the mouth and working yourself upo about not very much at all.

    Just my opinion, of course, to which I am entitled, as you will surely agree.
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    edited December 2012
    LenGlover said:

    The pubs and shops may have been closed anyway but I note nobody has commented on the fact that the Club will be punished which is my main point.

    Your "point" - and your arguemnt - was lost as soon as you made reference to "The Taliban" and compared them to people on Charlton Life..

    An absolutely foolishly ridiculous thing to say. Idiotic and downright offensive.
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    'Join us again next week, where Charlton Life members find a new scapegoat in the East Stand ballboy, have a heated discussion on the price of a train ticket to Bolton, and are accused of being the KKK without the hoods'
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    Now that the club have come out and made this statement, perhaps advocates of flares and smoke bombs might acknowledge that this might not be a good thing for the club?

    I would be interested to read those views.
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    To be fair, Len does have a point (although not necessarily expressed in the most helpful way). The club are clearly against seat breaking (as so too would all of us be), flares and smoke bombs. All supporters surely have the right to express an opinion on that, either side of the debate, regardless of whether they were present at incidents.
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    Lenglover what a ridiculous comment
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    I am a bit puzzled by the appeal by Mick Everitt as he has all the information to hand - surely he could, with a few touches of the keyboard on the tickets sales database, identify the people sitting immediately behind the broken seat and follow up from there - the video posted by Millsmall fans can zoom into the guilty part - why ask people to grass up?
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    Grass culture at its best
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    Remember, keep schtum. No one likes a snitch round our manor ;o)
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    Worrying thing is some tw@t will start sending emails trying to grass people up, as Nolly said 'Grass culture at it's best'... First thing people do these days is reach for their camera phone when something happens.

    Doing the police's job for them... Embarassing.
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    ^^^^^ Agree
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    SE10 said:

    Worrying thing is some tw@t will start sending emails trying to grass people up, as Nolly said 'Grass culture at it's best'... First thing people do these days is reach for their camera phone when something happens.

    Doing the police's job for them... Embarassing.

    This !
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    SE10 said:

    Worrying thing is some tw@t will start sending emails trying to grass people up, as Nolly said 'Grass culture at it's best'... First thing people do these days is reach for their camera phone when something happens.

    Doing the police's job for them... Embarassing.

    Tell me, who is the bigger twat. The twat that grasses, or the twat that threw the seat. I know who's the bigger coward.
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    SE10 said:

    Worrying thing is some tw@t will start sending emails trying to grass people up, as Nolly said 'Grass culture at it's best'... First thing people do these days is reach for their camera phone when something happens.

    Doing the police's job for them... Embarassing.

    Tell me, who is the bigger twat. The twat that grasses, or the twat that threw the seat. I know who's the bigger coward.
    The twat that grasses. Cowardly not to say anything at the time and then grass.
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    Just so I'm clear, if the seat had hit someone - and I know it didn't so this is just hypothetical - would it have been ok to report someone for throwing it (or "grass") then?
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    Off_it said:

    Just so I'm clear, if the seat had hit someone - and I know it didn't so this is just hypothetical - would it have been ok to report someone for throwing it (or "grass") then?

    It didn't.
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    SE10 said:

    Doing the police's job for them... Embarassing.

    Because anything that makes their jobs easier is embarrassing.
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    SE10 said:

    Worrying thing is some tw@t will start sending emails trying to grass people up, as Nolly said 'Grass culture at it's best'... First thing people do these days is reach for their camera phone when something happens.

    Doing the police's job for them... Embarassing.

    Which will lead us back to Doh, Oh Dear...
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    Off_it said:

    Just so I'm clear, if the seat had hit someone - and I know it didn't so this is just hypothetical - would it have been ok to report someone for throwing it (or "grass") then?

    It didn't.
    No shit Sherlock!

    But, just so I'm clear and don't have you and nolly on my case in the future, if it had hit someone would it be ok to "grass" if I had info on who threw it? Am interested to know how this works.
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    If I saw someone do something that upset me that much, I'd pull them up at the time not send emails and videos etc about it a few days later.
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    Is putting something in a bin doing a road sweepers job for them and embarrassing?

    What about my mum and dad looking after my old uncle who can't look after himself now - is that doing the social services job for them and embarrassing?

    I think I need to re-evaluate my moral compass here as it looks like I might've been getting it wrong for a while now.
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    edited December 2012
    So somebody breaks into your house and clears you out. Your neighbour who is looking out the window sees the robbers and recognises one of them. I bet all you that suggest grassing is embarrassing would be squealing like stuck pigs if the neighbour kept schtum and you found out. Double standards and moronic views.
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    edited December 2012
    Off_it said:

    Off_it said:

    Just so I'm clear, if the seat had hit someone - and I know it didn't so this is just hypothetical - would it have been ok to report someone for throwing it (or "grass") then?

    It didn't.
    No shit Sherlock!

    But, just so I'm clear and don't have you and nolly on my case in the future, if it had hit someone would it be ok to "grass" if I had info on who threw it? Am interested to know how this works.
    Id like to think that the perpertrator would be encouraged to own up themselves and apologise if it hit someone or at least have the seat flung back in their face as retribution at a later date outside the club shop after Len Glover passes sentencing at the preceding trial held in Bartrams....possibly with a few flairs thrown in too for good measure.

    Short sharp shock.

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    Shock and awe!
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    Off_it said:

    Is putting something in a bin doing a road sweepers job for them and embarrassing?

    If you're going to use that as an example then I'd say no but scraping a bit of chewing gum off the floor then grassing the person up who threw it is.
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