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Ever thrown anything?

edited December 2012 in General Charlton
ever thrown anyting at a footie match?

wobblers dont count as we are CAFC

I did throw a cheese roll once after coming driectly from work, direct hit as well !
Snow balls once
Cup of coffee at Aldershot (not the whole place!)

all in the old days of course.



  • My guts up
  • Catalogue against Leicester, Just missed the linesman.
  • No never have
  • A few paper aeroplanes!
  • Paper aeroplanes and elastic bands.

    Both done in my twenties.
  • Threw my phone accidentally whilst celebrating that late winner at Southend few years back.
  • I slung my scarf at the directors box after the Stoke game in 1985
  • Chewing gum (Juicyfruit, I think). Landed in a man's afro a few rows in front. Spent the second half shi*ting myself that he'd notice.
  • Threw my voice once.

    Shouted "leave it" to Perez in the play-off final to allow Rufus to score.
  • edited December 2012
    A boomerang, then it hit me!

    ©Stu Francis
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  • My dad took me to Leicester away in 1990 when I had a gladulafever!! I threw up everything I tried to eat that day!!!
  • threw a skittle at some guys head in front of me, he picked it up and ate it, it was a sour cherry one as well, dirty bugger
  • I once threw a plastic pint glass thing at a Spurs fan at a big screen event at uni - 1991 FA Cup final I believe. Very embarrassed about the whole thing.
  • edited December 2012
    Uboat said:

    I once threw a plastic pint glass thing at a Spurs fan at a big screen event at uni - 1991 FA Cup final I believe. Very embarrassed about the whole thing.

    Funny that, it was Spurs lads at the wrong end of flying pool balls and a fire extinguisher down Dockers Bar an all!
  • edited December 2012

    Threw my voice once.

    Shouted "leave it" to Perez in the play-off final to allow Rufus to score.

    Are you Michael Gray in disguise?

  • Threw my voice once.

    Shouted "leave it" to Perez in the play-off final to allow Rufus to score.

    Are you Michael Gray in disguise?

    No, as I said I threw my voice.

    I did once throw a punch but the comedian was being rude in front of me mum

  • there was a few thousand catalogues thrown so people should own up !!!!
  • I threw a blind, homeless child with a limp off the upper tier of the covered end once because he was eating his crisps too noisily during a break in play.

    Not proud of it and I'd like to think I'd act differently these days but we've all done silly things we regret when we were young.
  • If you want unusual, threw a mates trainer at the linesman at West Ham years ago.

    Was pissed and it missed.
  • edited December 2012
    Just the catalogue V Leicester and a paper aeroplane last season.
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  • Yep, back in the early eighties used to throw Co-Op till roll into the goal mouth area when we scored a goal. Used to think it was great bragging to my school mates that 'I threw that' when the goals were shown on TV. Never threw bog roll like some others did though.
  • A hamburger at Oxford 1980-81 season. It was totally inedible so throwing it seemed to be the only other option!
  • When I was very young I was at a FA Cup Tie at Fratton Park between Pompey and Reading. (Can't remember why!?) Reading got tonked and their fans threw their shoes on the pitch in protest at their teams performance. And it wasn't just a couple of people either, there were a lot of shoes on that pitch! Must have been an interesting hop back to the car for many of those fans.
  • Not by me but I do recall a guy throwing one of he's crutches from the north upper towards the west stand where a fight had broke out in the 4-4 with Millwall a few years back! Ouch!
  • My old trainers stunk so bad, if I had thrown them on the pitch someone would have thrown them back!
  • Memories go back to a FA Cup game at Welling a few years back against Weston Super Mare. 'Keeper got some stick in the first couple of mins, they scored, he turned around and gave the 5 knuckle shuffle wave and all hell let loose. Mars bars, Burgers, Pork Pies, you name it, the keeper was pelted. And no, I didnt chuck anything, I was too busy rolling around with laughter at the poor keeper.
  • Is this a trap set by the OB to catch the Millwall perpetrator ?
  • Anyone remember a WestHam fan throwing his trainer at Leighton James in a televised game? That was my late friend Slicks. He also climbed our Floodlights at The Who concert. Complete nutter, RIP Slicks.
  • How about this one....proper ultras.
    How exactly does one get a moped into a football stadium? 'It's my lucky vespa officer, I take it to all the games'
  • I have thrown my toys out of the pram a few times,does that count?
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