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The Covered End----Memories



  • When there was a decent sized crowd there used to be a bundle down the terrace steps from the back when we scored. Don't know how someone didn't get seriously hurt in all that.

    The Welcome Inn is houses now - we went to a few Sunday nights but not for dancing, just to stand there looking menacing or stupid depending on your point of view.
  • edited December 2012
    Thanks for the names gooner, Pat and Jan, both absolute legends, accepted 100% as two of the boys...could give it some too. Cant remember a "Rent-a-Riot that they werent on, we was proper Charlton. The reason it all ended was that we run out of coach companies lol.

    ps. Were you one of the 40 against 200 outside "The White Horse" in Leeds Road after the game with Udders 1968. Undoubtedly our finest hour.
  • h said:

    I can only remember Wednesday and Chelsea taking the CE completely. Weds had a huge mob and Chelsea started a fire in the CE and wrecked the social club behind the stand.

    Great to see Middle Park mentioned here. Will never forget trying to 'remove' Millwall and failing ;-)

    Fashion was pretty important too - we respected a well dressed crew more than a bunch of Scruffs.

    Only clubs to take the covered end completely, as far as I can remember and in no chronological order, Leicester (late 60's Early 70's?), Millwall, WHU, Chelsea, Spurs and the Massives
  • Thanks for the names gooner, Pat and Jan, both absolute legends, accepted 100% as two of the boys...could give it some too. Cant remember a "Rent-a-Riot that they werent on, we was proper Charlton. The reason it all ended was that we run out of coach companies lol.

    ps. Were you one of the 40 against 200 outside "The White Horse" in Leeds Road after the game with Udders 1968. Undoubtedly our finest hour.

    Drinking light and bitter and throwing the light ale bottles along with anything else we could get hold of
  • MaybeBaby not sure its the same ladies. Pat and jan were very glam and would have been about 16 in 1973. they came from Plumstead.

    One of the welling girls was called carol. she had a record played for me at half time once called "sweet talking guy" which sounds good until you here the words "stay away from him he will make you cry etc". Think she may have rubbed me name off her jeans !!

    The Kitchener in welling was another place we use to rack up in. although Caz and his West Ham boys were also there.

    oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dont call me Gooner

  • Thanks for the names gooner, Pat and Jan, both absolute legends, accepted 100% as two of the boys...could give it some too. Cant remember a "Rent-a-Riot that they werent on, we was proper Charlton. The reason it all ended was that we run out of coach companies lol.

    ps. Were you one of the 40 against 200 outside "The White Horse" in Leeds Road after the game with Udders 1968. Undoubtedly our finest hour.

    Drinking light and bitter and throwing the light ale bottles along with anything else we could get hold of
    And literally everyone had pulled a local girl...boy that must have pissed them off! Remember Greenie taking out their gorilla with one punch...what a night that was, came home 5 light that night...old bill had broken Bombers arm and Savage too as I remember...another 2 in the cells and one who was on a promise.

  • oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dont call me Gooner


  • You forgot? we picked three or four up from hospital including bomber on the way home
  • wasnt it Bomber who put his foot through a bus shelter in Brighton and a huge bit stuck in his leg?
  • edited December 2012
    I remember a couple of thier mob had flags on bits 2 by 4 and ripped the flags off to use them as clubs
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  • edited December 2012

    wasnt it Bomber who put his foot through a bus shelter in Brighton and a huge bit stuck in his leg?

    That was Chrissy Barber v nigels 68...the girl in the ticket office was too scared to give evidence and he got away with a fine.
    ps. How he didnt bleed to death I will never know.

  • Goonerhater...we had a Pat and Jan too, I think Ellisaddick will confirm.
  • wasnt it Bomber who put his foot through a bus shelter in Brighton and a huge bit stuck in his leg?

    That was a bloke known as Bubbles from Welling/Bexleyheath I think

  • CBob yes mate it was.
  • Sorry GH I'm old and get confused I confused bus shelter in Welling with Cinema in Norwood I just dont know...what a Twonk!
  • Chrissy Barber did his leg at the old Cinema by norwood junction station after a Palace game.
  • Sorry GH I'm old and get confused I confused bus shelter in Welling with Cinema in Norwood I just dont know...what a Twonk!

    lol it was a bus shelter in Brighton & the geezer was from welling or was it a bus shelter in Welling & perpetrator was from Brighton :-)
  • Someone mentioned earlier that a book about this period would be worth a try, but we all sound a bit dotty and vague so a lot of cross referencing would have to happen. But in saying that, I do have some ISBN's spare and a bar code and if it was possible to sell 1,000 the cost price would be around £2.50. If this is a ridiculous idea I'm sure it will be shot down in flames in the next few posts. Dons crash helmet.
  • ThatBrighton incident was when we went down on that awful Leauge
    Liner special train, remember that ? It had a disco and tv onboard ? . An Sheff Weds never took covered in my memory ? An there was a point in time when Charlton were a NF sympathetic firm, with only mad person Mackenzie being our resident leftie. However, I think that became nationlist rather than racist, an can remember the poppy guy always doing well outside CoveredEnd on home game near rememberance Sunday.
  • A book ! Who,s going to be the star ? Shame that in those times we did not have mobiles and very few photo,s exist. I'd buy a copy, an could input my memories. Although, not sure how many of the old firm would welcome their names in print.
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  • edited December 2012

    A book ! Who,s going to be the star ? Shame that in those times we did not have mobiles and very few photo,s exist. I'd buy a copy, an could input my memories. Although, not sure how many of the old firm would welcome their names in print.

    I was thinking more of a mixed input business partner is first class at putting together books like this, so more of a co-oprative effort rather than a one off viewpoint. I dont wish or need to make a profit so it would be a labour of love.
    ps. names are not so important to those who werent there, but those who were will know anyway.
  • Been looked into a few times. first chapter was finished.
    Loads of issues to think of. names being one.

    It is very easy to get into "i did " rather than "we saw/did"

    If its written whose name is on the front ? will CAFC see this as a good thing or will you get banned?

    Obill wont like it

    Will your company place of work like you being identified in it ?

    was told it would cost £4K for an independant to publish.

    As for Steve Mckenzie he once racked up at me mums and decided to tell me all about Militant Tendancy and how he/they wanted a peoples police force etc etc etc lucky it was at me Mums or he would have got a good dose of petrol fever !!
    His best mate Johney W still goes i saw him last week.
  • Some great memories on this thread - very similar to the B Mob/Cockney Firestarters one, for any latecomers.

    One sad aspect looking back were the number of racist songs/chants at the time - sieg heil, vince hilaire song, lick my boots, monkey chants etc. Have to say though that these chants were prevalant at most grounds at the time, but the Welling skins in particular were heavily into the British Movement.

    The Arsenal testimonial was when CE was still terraces and not seats as mentioned earlier on this thread.

    Will stand corrected but I'm certain it was seated by the Arsenal testimonial, I remember sitting in the CE before the game and Jim Davidson was doing a routine on the pitch, unless I'm getting my testimonials mixed up but I don't think so.

  • We're a bit like the arsenal invincible team
  • edited December 2012
    Should pen BMob...the Musical

    Hoolie books are so 1990s.
  • Agree it's a bit 90's but would need 1,000 advanced ticket sales to finance a musical. Could make it a folk musical (Blood Brotherish)
  • A hooligan musical not been done yet
  • West Stand story. Michael Ball is a young Woolwich urchin caught up in the terrace wars of SE7.

    "Breathtaking" Time Out

    "A hoot" Evening Standard

    "Pwopa faaarkin nawty" Pie n' Eels weekly
  • What do we call it?

    - kickin in the rain
    - kickago
    - 7 smacks for 7 rozzers
    - the sound of stamping
    - noses poppins

    ............. ?
  • Start the musical with a urchin kid running onto the stage "millwall coming" then a stomp sound echoing to our boys bravely standing there waiting ...well for a bit
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